1. Before running this command, ensure that the batch configuration command file session is started and the valid files are downloaded. Ensure that the batch configuration command file session is pre-activated .
2. After the batch configuration command sessions are pre-activated, upload the corresponding batch configuration output file immediately. Otherwise, this batch configuration output file may not be uploaded after the batch configuration command sessions are pre-activated next time.
3. The activated configuration commands in the batch configuration command session files cannot be rolled back.
4. This command is the fourth step of batch configuration command operations. After the command takes effect, the system parses and executes the batch configuration command session files prepared in the second step (command DLD BATCHFILE).
ID | Name | Description |
SID | SessionID | Meaning: session ID Value range: 0-268435455 Explanation: Session ID identifies a session. Default value: None |
CF | Condition for failure | Meaning: condition for failure Value range: BEST_EFFORT, BREAK_ON_FAILURE Explanation: This parameter determines whether to continue with or terminate the command execution when one or some commands fail.User can select the mode to execute the batch command session. If the mode is set to BEST_EFFORT-0, the system ignores the command failure and continues with the execution of other commands If the mode is set to BREAK_ON_FAILURE, the system terminates the activation of the batch command session and awaits for the next activation. Default value: None |
AM | Activation mode | Meaning: activation type. Value range: LEAST_SERVICE_IMPACT, Least_ElapseTime Explanation: This parameter specifies the impact of the batch command execution. 1. Explanation: LEAST_SERVICE_IMPACT indicates to activate with the minimum impact on services; LEAST_ELAPSE_TIME indicates to activate with the minimum time on services. 2. NEs do not support the parameter AM (activation mode) currently. Therefore, AM is not listed in the value range. Default value: LEAST_SERVICE_IMPACT |
1. Condition for failure is batch configuration command activation in default mode (BEST_EFFORT) (session ID: 111111): ACT BATCHFILE:SID=111111; 2. Condition for failure is batch configuration command activation in BREAK_ON_FAILURE mode (session ID: 111111): ACT BATCHFILE:SID=111111,CF=BREAK_ON_FAILURE;