Add M3UA Signaling Transfer Entity(ADD M3STE)


A configuration command that adds a signaling transfer entity. The following key parameters must be negotiated with the destination signaling point:

DPC Code

Routing Context

DPC Protocol


Before adding an M3UA signaling transfer entity, ensure that the local entity exist.


ID Name Description
STENO Signaling Transfer Entity No.

Meaning:Signaling Transfer Entity No.

Value range:0~63

Explanation: This parameter specifies the index of the system entity. This index is unique.

Default value:None

NAME Signaling Transfer Entity Name

Meaning:Signaling Transfer Entity Name

Value range:1-49 characters

Explanation: This parameter specifies the destination entity name, which helps the user record and identify the entity. The names of different M3UA destination entities should be unique.

Default value:None


Meaning:DPC Code

Value range:1~16777215

Explanation: 1.This parameter specifies the code of the signaling network where the DSP is located. In the SS7 network, each SP has a unique signaling point code.

2.This parameter can be displayed in decimal, hexadecimal, and binary mode. By default, this parameter is displayed in decimal mode. The hexadecimal format is H' and the binary format is B'.

Default value:None

RTCONTEXT Routing Context

Meaning:Routing Context

Value range:0~4294967295

Explanation: This parameter uniquely identifies one link route.

Default value:None

PROT DPC Protocol

Meaning:DPC Protocol

Value range:RFC3332(RFC3332),DRAFT10(DRAFT10)

Explanation: This parameter specifies the protocol type.

Default value:RFC3332


1. Add a signaling transfer entity (Signaling Transfer Entity No. = 0; Signaling Transfer Entity Name = ste32; DPC Code = 1333; Routing Context = 4294967295; DPC Protocol = RFC3332(RFC3332)):
ADD M3STE: STENO=32, NAME="ste32", DPC=1333, RTCONTEXT=4294967295, PROT=RFC3332;
2. Add a signaling transfer entity (Signaling Transfer Entity No. = 33; Signaling Transfer Entity Name = ste33; DPC Code = H'3E2D; Routing Context = 4294967295; DPC Protocol = RFC3332(RFC3332)):
ADD M3STE: STENO=33, NAME="ste33", DPC=H'3E2D, RTCONTEXT=4294967295, PROT=RFC3332;
Related reference
Add M3UA Local Entity(ADD M3LE)
Add M3UA Destination Entity(ADD M3DE)
Add M3UA Route(ADD M3RT)
Add M3UA Link Set(ADD M3LKS)
Add M3UA Link(ADD M3LNK)

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