Display BTS Board Basic Information(DSP BTSBRD)


An OM command that displays the board information. The available information is board-specific.

1. For the PSU, the following basic information is available: board No., board type, hardware version, board state, power supply type and board presence.

2. For the PMU and APMU, the following basic information is available: manufacturer, service type, and board presence.

3. For the TEU and TCU, the following basic information is available: board No., board type, hardware version, board state, power supply type, and board presence.

4. For the PTU, the following basic information is available: board No., board type, hardware version, board state, power supply type, and board presence.

5. For the MTR, the following basic information is available: board No., board type, hardware version, board state, power supply type, software version, and board presence.

6. For the TRX, PTRX, DRU, MFU, ETRX, RTRX, DTRX, RETR, DETR, EETR, PETR and TRU, the following basic information is available: board No., board type, hardware version, board state, power supply type, software version, service type, and board presence.

7. For the OSSU, the following basic information is available: board No., board type, board state, and board presence.

8. For the ABB, the following basic information is available: board No., board type, hardware version, board state, power supply type, software version, and board presence.

9. For the TMU, IOMU, MMU, DTMU and DOMU, the following basic information is available: board No., board type, hardware version, board state, power supply type, software version, clock setting mode, clock state, clock active/standby state, current value, correction value, and board presence.

10. For the PBU, PPBU, RPBU, DPBU, TES, EAC, DEMU and EMU, the following basic information is available: board No., board type, hardware version, board state, power supply type, software version, and board presence.

11. For the GTMU, DRRU, UBFA, UPEU, UEIU, DRFU, FMU, FMUA, DTCU, GATM, DPMU, DEMU, and APMU in the DBS3900 GSM/BTS3900 GSM/BTS3900A GSM, the following basic information is available: board No., board type, hardware version, board state, software version, and board presence.

12. For the BTS3900E in the BTS3900E GSM, the following basic information is available: board No., board type, hardware version, board state, software version, clock setting mode, clock state, clock active/standby state, current value, correction value, and board presence.


1. The communication between the MML Client and the BSC is normal.

2. The communication between the BSC and the BTS is normal.


ID Name Description
IDXTYPE Index type

Meaning: how to specify a BTS

Value range: BYNAME(By Name), BYIDX(By Index)

Explanation: This parameter determines whether to specify a BTS by its name or index.

Default value: None


Meaning: BTS index

Value range: 0-2047


1. This parameter specifies the number of a BTS. Each BTS is numbered uniquely in a BSC.

2. This parameter is mandatory if Index Type is set to BYIDX(By Index).

Default value: None


Meaning: BTS name

Value range: 1-32 characters


1. This parameter specifies the name of the target BTS. Each BTS is named uniquely in a BSC.

2. This parameter is mandatory if Index Type is set to BYNAME(By Name).

Default value: None

BRDTYPE Board type

Meaning: board type

Value range: NORMAL(Normal Board), RXU(RXU Board)

Explanation: This parameter specifies the board type of the BTS.

Default value: None

SRN Subrack No.

Meaning: subrack number

Value range: 0-53

Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of the subrack where a BTS board is located. The subrack number is unique in a site.

Default value: None

SN Slot No.

Meaning: slot number

Value range: 0-23

Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of the slot in which a BTS board is located.

Default value: None

RXUIDXTYPE Index type for RXU

Meaning: index type of the RXU

Value range: RXUN(RXU No.), RXUNAME(RXU Name), RXUSRNSN(RXU Subrack No. and Slot No.)

Explanation: RXUN(RXU No.) indicates the query based on the RXU No., the RXUNAME(RXU Name) determins the query based on the RXU name, and


Meaning: number of an RXU board

Value range: 0-71

Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of an RXU board.

Default value: None


Meaning: name of an RXU board

Value range: 1-32 characters

Explanation: This parameter specifies the name of an RXU board.

Default value: None

RXUSRN Subrack No.

Meaning: subrack number

Value range: 0-53

Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of the subrack where a BTS board is located. The subrack number is unique in a site.

Default value: None

RXUSN Slot No.

Meaning: slot number

Value range: 0-23

Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of the slot in which a BTS board is located.

Default value: None


Query the board information (Index Type = BYIDX; BTS Index = 0; Board Type = NORMAL; Subrack No. = 0; Slot No. = 0):
The result is as follows:
+++    HUAWEI        21.07.08 17:43:57
O&M    #731
RETCODE = 0  Operation succeeded

                 Board No.  =  0
                Board type  =  DTMU
          Hardware version  =  48.0.1
               Board state  =  Active Normal
          Software version  =  V100R008C11
          Clock Setup Mode  =  Trace BSC Clock
               Clock state  =  Free oscillation
Clock Active/Standby State  =  Active
             Current Value  =  1502
         Calibration Value  =  1502
Board Active/Standby State  =  Active
             Board in Slot  =  YES
(Number of results = 1)

---    END
If the specified board is configured in the corresponding slot, the query is successful. Otherwise, the query fails.

Output Description

Domain Name Description
Board No.

Number of the BTS board

Board Type

Board type

Hardware Version

Hardware version of the board

Board State

Board state. The state can be Not Installed, Normal, Active Normal, Active Faulty, Standby Normal, Standby Faulty, Manual Block, Auto Block, and Faulty.

Software Version

software version

Clock Setup Mode

Clock setup mode. The mode can be Internal clock, Trace BSC Clock, External Sync. Clock, IP Clock, Trace Transport Clock, Free oscillation, Capture, Locked, and Hold.

Clock State

State of the clock. The state can be Free oscillation, Capture, and Locked.

Clock Active/Standby State

Active/standby state of the clock. The value is Active and Standby.

Current Value

Current value

Calibration Value

Calibration value

Board Active/Standby State

Board active/standby state

Board in Slot

Board in slot or not. The value is YES and NO.

Related reference
Display Clock Tracing Mode(DSP BTSCLK)
Display BTS Borad Configure Parameters(DSP BTSBRDCP)
Display BTS Board Extension Information(DSP BTSBRDEX)
Display BTS Board Run Parameters(DSP BTSBRDRP)
Display Expand Information of Board CDU/EAC(DSP CDUEACINFO)
Display BTS Attributes(DSP BTSATTR)

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