Forcibly Release Configuration Rights(FOE CFGRIGHT)


An OM command that releases the configuration right forcibly. The difference between FOE CFGRIGHT and REL CFGRIGHT is that the former can release the configuration right of different terminals, while the latter can only release configuration right in one terminal.


1. This command is used to deal with exceptions, for example, when the configuration right is occupied by one terminal for a long time, causing other terminals unable to perform operation. Execution of the command may cause data abnormality in the released end. Therefore, run the command with caution.

2. FOE CFGRIGHT releases the configuration right locked by users only. It is unable to release the configuration right locked automatically by the system, for example, in a batch configuration command session. If execution of the FOE CFGRIGHT fails, then run the command LST BATCHFILESN to check whether a batch configuration command session exists. If yes, then refer to the operational guide on the batch command session.




Forcibly release the applied configuration right:
Note:                                                                                                                        If the If the configuration right is occupied in the system, it is released forcibly. Otherwise, a message is displayed, indicating that the configuration right does not exist.
Related reference
List Configuration Rights(LST CFGRIGHT)
Lock Configuration Rights(LCK CFGRIGHT)
Release Configuration Rights(REL CFGRIGHT)

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