An OM command that obtains and then saves the configured RET antenna files to the flash of the BTS board.
1. The MML client must run properly.
2. The BSC must communicate properly with the BTS.
3. The BTS must be configured with the board that controls the RET antenna and connected with the RET antenna.
4. The running of this command reconfigures the RET antenna. Before loading, ensure that the configuration files to be loaded are placed in the PC where the MML client is installed.
5. After this command is executed successfully, run the RST RETANTTILT command to recalibrate the RET antenna.
ID | Name | Description |
IDXTYPE | Index Type | Meaning: how to specify a BTS Value range: BYNAME(By Name), BYIDX(By Index) Explanation: This parameter determines whether to specify a cell by its name or index. Default value: None |
BTSIDX | BTS Index | Meaning: BTS index Value range: 0-2047 Explanation: 1. This parameter specifies the number of a BTS. Each BTS is numbered uniquely in a BSC. 2. This parameter is mandatory if Index Type is set to BYIDX(By Index). Default value: None |
BTSNAME | BTS Name | Meaning: BTS name Value range: 1-32 characters Explanation: 1. This parameter specifies the name of the target BTS. Each BTS is named uniquely in a BSC. 2. This parameter is mandatory if Index Type is set to BYNAME(By Name). Default value: None |
SRN | Subrack No. | Meaning: subrack number Value range: 0-53 Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of the subrack in which the board that controls the RET antenna is located. The subrack number is unique in a BTS. Default value: None |
SN | Slot No. | Meaning: slot number Value range: 0-23 Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of the slot that holds the board that controls the RET antenna. Default value: None |
ANTNO | Antenna No | Meaning: antenna number Value range: 0-35 Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of a RET antenna. Default value: None |
FN | File Name | Meaning: name of the antenna configuration file Value range: 1-255 characters Explanation: This parameter specifies the name of antenna configuration file. Default value: None |