Modify M3UA Link(MOD M3LNK)


A configuration command that modifies the parameters of an M3UA link. In this command, M3UA/SCTP Link No., Subrack No., Slot No., and CPU No. uniquely identify an M3UA link.


1. The modification of the First Local IP Address, Second Local IP Address, Local Port No., First Destination IP Address, Second Destination IP Address, or Destination Port No. may lead to the disconnection of the corresponding signaling links.

3. First Local IP Address must be different from Second Local IP Address; First Destination IP Address must be different from Second Destination IP Address; Local Port No. must be different from Destination Port No.; RTO Max Value[ms] must be greater than RTO Initial Value[ms]; RTO Max Value[ms] must be greater than RTO Min Value[ms]; RTO ALPHA Value[%] must be smaller than RTO BETA Value[%]; Association Max Retrans must be smaller than Path Max Retrans multiplied by 2; Low Congestion Level must be greater than or equal to No Congestion Level and must be smaller than or equal to High Congestion Level.

4. Two M3UA links must differ in Destination IP Address, Local Port No., Destination IP Address, and Destination Port No..


ID Name Description

Meaning:M3UA/SCTP Link No.

Value range:0~7

Explanation: This parameter specifies the index number of SCTP link.

Default value:None

SRN Subrack No.

Meaning:Subrack No.

Value range:0~11

Explanation: This parameter specifies the subrack number of the GXPUM/GXPUT where the M3UA link locates.

Default value:None

SN Slot No.

Meaning:Slot No.

Value range:0~27

Explanation: This parameter specifies the slot number of the GXPUM/GXPUT where the M3UA link locates.

Default value:None


Meaning:CPU No.

Value range:0~3

Explanation: This parameter specifies the CPU No. of the GXPUM/GXPUT where the M3UA link locates.

Default value:None

LOCPN Local Port No.

Meaning:Local Port No.

Value range:1~65535

Explanation: This parameter specifies the local SCTP port number of the M3UA link.

Default value:None

PEERPN Destination Port No.

Meaning:Destination Port No.

Value range:1~65535

Explanation: This parameter specifies the peer SCTP port number of the M3UA link.

Default value:None

LOCIP1 First Local IP Address

Meaning:First Local IP Address

Value range:

Explanation: This parameter specifies the local address 1 used by the M3UA link.

Default value:None

LOCIP2 Second Local IP Address

Meaning:Second Local IP Address

Value range:

Explanation: This parameter specifies the local address 2 used by the M3UA link.

Default value:None

PEERIP1 First Destination IP Address

Meaning:First Destination IP Address

Value range:

Explanation: This parameter specifies the peer address 1 used by the M3UA link.

Default value:None

PEERIP2 Second Destination IP Address

Meaning:Second Destination IP Address

Value range:

Explanation: This parameter specifies the peer address 2 used by the M3UA link.

Default value:None

PRIORITY Signalling Link Priority

Meaning:Signalling Link Priority

Value range:0~254

Explanation: This parameter specifies the priority of signaling link. The link with high priority is preferred when the link is selected.

Default value:None

RTOMAX RTO Max Value[ms]

Meaning:RTO Max Value[ms]

Value range:1000~60000

Explanation: This parameter specifies the RTO, that is the maximum time length of retransmission timeout.

Default value:None

RTOMIN RTO Min Value[ms]

Meaning:RTO Min Value[ms]

Value range:1000~60000

Explanation: This parameter specifies the RTO, that is the minimum time length of retransmission timeout.

Default value:None

RTOINIT RTO Initial Value[ms]

Meaning:RTO Initial Value[ms]

Value range:1000~60000

Explanation: This parameter specifies the RTO, that is the initial time length of retransmission timeout.

Default value:None


Meaning:RTO ALPHA Value[%]

Value range:0~100

Explanation: This parameter specifies the Alpha parameter used to calculate and update the RTO value. This parameter is a percentage. if the value is 12, it indicates the RTO Alpha parameter is 0.12.

Default value:None


Meaning:RTO BETA Value[%]

Value range:0~100

Explanation: This parameter specifies the Beta parameter used to calculate and update the RTO value. This parameter is a percentage. if the value is 25, it indicates the RTO Beta parameter is 0.25.

Default value:None

HBINTER Heartbeat Interval[ms]

Meaning:Heartbeat Interval[ms]

Value range:1000~60000

Explanation: This parameter specifies the heartbeat interval. For example, if this parameter is set to 5000, when the SCTP association does not send the data to a certain IP address within the setting time, the SCTP association will send the heartbeat message to this IP address for checking whether the remote IP address is activated.??.

Default value:None

MAXASSOCRETR Association Max Retrans

Meaning:Association Max Retrans

Value range:0~255

Explanation: This parameter specifies the maximum retransmission times of an SCTP association. For example, this parameter is set to 10 and the continuous retransmission of SCTP association exceeds 10 times, the peer end point is thought to be unreachable so that the SCTP association is canceled automatically. A report is sent to the upper-level users.

Default value:None

MAXPATHRETR Path Max Retrans

Meaning:Path Max Retrans

Value range:0~255

Explanation: This parameter specifies the maximum message retransmission times of an address. If the continuous retransmission of a certain address exceeds this value, this address is thought to be unreachable.

Default value:None

CNGLEVELNO No Congestion Level

Meaning:No Congestion Level

Value range:0~100

Explanation: This parameter specifies the non-congestion level and is a percentage. For example, if this parameter is set to 40 and when the ratio of the sending buffer on busy to the total sending buffer is less than 0.4, the SCTP association is in non-congestion status.

Default value:None

CNGLEVELLOW Low Congestion Level

Meaning:Low Congestion Level

Value range:0~100

Explanation: This parameter specifies low congestion level and is a percentage. For example, if this parameter is set to 60 and when the ratio of the sending buffer on busy to the total sending buffer is more than 0.6, the SCTP association is in low congestion.The calculation starts from the non-congestion status.

Default value:None

CNGLEVELHIGH High Congestion Level

Meaning:High Congestion Level

Value range:0~100

Explanation: This parameter specifies high congestion level and is a percentage. For example, if this parameter is set to 80 and when the ratio of the sending buffer on busy to the total sending buffer is more than 0.8, the SCTP association is in high congestion.

Default value:None

CHKSUMTX Calculate Checksum When Send Message

Meaning:Calculate Checksum When Send Message

Value range:NO,YES

Explanation: This parameter specifies whether to calculate the checksum when the SCTP message is sent.

Default value:None

CHKSUMRX Calculate Checksum When Receive Message

Meaning:Calculate Checksum When Receive Message

Value range:NO,YES

Explanation: This parameter specifies whether to check the checksum when the SCTP message is received.

Default value:None

CHKSUMTYPE Checksum Arithmetic

Meaning:Checksum Arithmetic

Value range:ALDER32,CRC32

Explanation: This parameter specifies the SCTP checksum algorithm. The SCTP protocol stack supports two checksum algorithms: CRC32 and ADLER32. Select one on the basis of the application. The SCTP checksum algorithm should be same as that of peer end.

Default value:None


Meaning:Work Mode


Explanation:This parameter indicates the work mode (strategy) of the clock source.

In Free Run mode, clock source 0 is set to the clock source for the GGCU.

The system generally uses Automatic mode.

The Manual mode is generally used for test purposes.

Default value:None


1. Modify the parameter of an M3UA link (M3UA/SCTP Link No. = 0; Subrack No. = 0; Slot No. = 0; CPU No. = 0; Signalling Link Priority = 20):
2. Modify the parameter of an M3UA link (M3UA/SCTP Link No. = 0; Subrack No. = 0; Slot No. = 0; CPU No. = 0; Checksum Arithmetic = ALDER32):
Related reference
Add M3UA Link(ADD M3LNK)
Modify M3UA Signaling Transfer Entity(MOD M3STE)
Modify M3UA Destination Entity(MOD M3DE)
Modify M3UA Local Entity(MOD M3LE)
Modify M3UA Link Set(MOD M3LKS)

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