
Creates a TrayMenu "virtual control" on the form.




Hint Tooltip that will be shown when mouse over traymenu icon. Don't forget to enable it with ShowHint property.
Icon Tray icon.
IconDebug Enable showing of debug information in tray icon tooltip.
Items Open property editor for menu items.
MouseClick Set of flags, that define behaviour of traymenu in reaction to mouse clicks/moving. Default value is mcPriPress + mcSecPress (menu shown by single clicking primary or secondary buttons).
Name Name of control. For TrayMenu virtual control this is meaningless.
ShowStdMenu If enabled, standard Autoit menu will shown, despite generated menu code or not.



Tray menu is not exactly GUI functions, but due methods are similar with main and context menus, Koda can create and generate code for it.

When creating, tray menu automatically assigns to form.

