Select the Advanced tab of the Matrix Plots dialog to select from a variety of graph and fit types when creating your matrix plots. This tab also contains options for specifying statistics and histogram intervals.
Variables. Click the Variables button to display the standard variable selection dialog, in which you can select the x- and (optional) y-axis variables for the graph. When you select Square matrix plots, you will need to select only variables for the x-axis; when you select Rectangular matrix plots, you will need to select variables for both the x- and y-axis. The selection you make will then be displayed in the area of the dialog below the Variables button.
Graph Type. Select the type of matrix plot from the Graph Type list on this tab. Click the desired plot link below for a brief description of that type of graph.
Missing Data Deletion. Choose between Pairwise or Casewise deletion of missing data in this group box.
Display. Select either the Histogram or Box plot option button to display histograms or box-whisker plots along the diagonal of the graph.
Fit. You can fit either none (select Off) or one of several equations to the data in the matrix plots by selecting one of the predefined functions in this dialog.
Statistics. You can include a variety of statistics as footnotes in the graph by selecting one or more of the statistics listed in this box.
R square. Select this check box to include the R square for the plotted variables.
Correlation and p. Select this check box to include the correlation for the plotted variables and its corresponding p-value.
Regression equation. Select this check box to include two regression equations in the footnotes. The first equation is for the y-axis variable as a function of x, the second is for the x-axis variable as a function of y.
Histogram Intervals. Frequency histograms are placed on the diagonal of square matrix plots and in the first row and column of rectangular matrix plots. You can also choose the type of scaling for the histograms in this group box.
Common Scales. When you select the Common scales check box, then the scale will be based on a common range of all of the histogram ranges and allows you to compare the histograms. However, if the individual histogram ranges vary widely (causing a very wide common scale), then some of the histograms may be unreadable. If you clear this check box, STATISTICA will plot each of the histograms based on their individual ranges. If you choose to use this independent scaling, then comparing histograms would be difficult since they could all possibly have different scales, but they may be better defined than if Common scales were used.
Mark Selected Subsets. When you click this button, the Specify Multiple Subsets dialog will be displayed, in which you can specify selection conditions that will subset (i.e., categorize) the cases in one plot. For more information about this option, see Mark Selected Subsets. The point markers which identify specific subsets will be listed in the legend next to the text of the respective case selection conditions (as defined in the Specify Multiple Subsets dialog).