Property | Type | Access | Description |
arrangeBy | ArrangeBy: ArrangeBy.ROWS_FIRST ArrangeBy.COLUMNS_FIRST |
r/w | The order in which to arrange multiple records on the page in the target document. |
bottomMargin | Measurement Unit (Number or String) |
r/w | The offset value of the bottom margin in the target document. |
columnSpacing | Measurement Unit (Number or String) |
r/w | The amount of space between columns of records in the target document. |
eventListeners | EventListeners EventListener |
readonly | A collection of event listeners. |
events | Events Event |
readonly | A collection of events. |
isValid | bool |
readonly | Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. |
leftMargin | Measurement Unit (Number or String) |
r/w | The offset value of the left margin in the target document. |
parent | DataMerge |
readonly | The parent of the DataMergePreference (a DataMerge). |
properties | Object |
r/w | A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
recordNumber | number |
r/w | The number of the record to merge. Note: Valid only when record selection is one record. |
recordRange | string |
r/w | The range of records to merge. Note: Valid only when record selection is range. |
recordSelection | RecordSelection: RecordSelection.ALL_RECORDS RecordSelection.ONE_RECORD RecordSelection.RANGE |
r/w | The records to merge. |
recordsPerPage | RecordsPerPage: RecordsPerPage.SINGLE_RECORD RecordsPerPage.MULTIPLE_RECORD |
r/w | The number of records to place on each page in the document. |
rightMargin | Measurement Unit (Number or String) |
r/w | The offset value of the right margin in the target document. |
rowSpacing | Measurement Unit (Number or String) |
r/w | The amount of space between rows of records in the target document. |
topMargin | Measurement Unit (Number or String) |
r/w | The offset value of the top margin in the target document. |