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Delivery Options

Send all outbound email directly to the recipient's mail server

When this option is chosen, MDaemon will attempt to deliver all mail directly instead of passing it to another host. MDaemon will place undeliverable messages into its retry system and continue to attempt to deliver them according to the parameters and time intervals that you set on the Retry Queue screen of the Mail Queues dialog. To access this screen from MDaemon's menu bar, click "Queues » Mail Queues... » Retry Queue".

Send all outbound email to the 'Server' specified below

Select this option if you want all outbound email, regardless of its destination domain, to be spooled to another host or server for routed delivery. If selected, all outbound email will be sent to the domain or host specified in the Server option below. Typically, this feature is useful during high volume periods when direct message delivery would result in an excessive taxation of server resources. If a message cannot be delivered to the designated server then it will be moved into the retry system and MDaemon will continue to attempt to deliver it according to the parameters and time intervals that you set on the Retry Queue screen of the Mail Queues dialog.

Send all email directly first, and then to 'Server' if there are problems

Click this option if you want to spool only undeliverable outbound email to the domain or host specified in the Server option below. Undeliverable mail is email destined for hosts that could not be resolved to an actual IP address (such as an unregistered gateway to a remote network) or email destined for a host that was resolved properly but could not be connected to directly or is refusing direct connections. Rather than return such mail to its originator, this option causes MDaemon to pass the message off to a more powerful MTA. Sometimes the mail system run by your ISP may have routed methods of mail delivery to which your local server may not have direct access. If a message cannot be delivered to the designated server then it will be moved to into the retry system and MDaemon will continue to attempt to deliver it according to the parameters and time intervals that you set on the Retry Queue screen of the Mail Queues dialog. At each subsequent delivery attempt, MDaemon will again first try to deliver the message directly to its recipient and then to the designated domain or host.


Specify your ISP or mail host's name or IP address here.  This is generally the SMTP server on your ISP.

Do not enter MDaemon's Default Domain or IP addresses into this text box. This entry should be an ISP or other mail server that can relay mail for you.

Enable smarter message routing

By default, whenever possible MDaemon will maintain a single copy of each message destined for multiple recipients and use multiple RCPT commands to deliver the message. This saves on disk space and bandwidth. For example, if enabled, this option will always operate whenever there is a single message addressed to multiple recipients at the same domain. Also, if you are using the "Send all outbound email to the 'Server' specified below" delivery option, which sends all your outbound mail to a single designated host, MDaemon will store a single copy of each message and use multiple RCPT commands even when recipients belong to different domains.

Access to the above mail server...

As an added security measure, some smart hosts or ISPs require you to authenticate using login credentials or perform a POP mail check before you are allowed to send mail through their servers. If your ISP or mail host requires this then use these options to specify your login or POP credentials.

...requires authentication

Click this check box if the ISP or host to which you will be sending messages requires authentication. Enter your login credentials below. These login credentials will be used for all outbound SMTP messages sent to the server specified above. If, however, you choose to use the Allow per-account authentication option below, then MDaemon will authenticate to your host separately for each message, using the sending account’s Optional smart host user/password setting designated on the Account Details screen of the Account Editor.

User name

Enter your user name or login here.


Use this option to specify your ISP or mail host login password.

...requires a POP3 check

If your ISP or mail host requires a POP3 check before it will accept messages from you, then click this check box and enter your required credentials below.

Host or IP

Enter the host or IP address to which you wish to connect.

User name

This is the POP account's login or account name.


This is the POP account's password.

Allow per-account authentication

Click this checkbox if you wish to use per-account authentication for outbound SMTP messages sent to the Server specified above. Instead of using the User name and Password credentials provided here, each account’s Optional smart host login/password settings designated on the Account Details screen of the Account Editor will be used for authentication. If, however, no Optional smart host login/password settings have been designated for a given account, then the above credentials will be used for that account.

If you wish to configure per-account authentication to use each account’s Email password instead of its optional Smart host password, then you can do so by editing the following key in the MDaemon.ini file:


ISPAUTHUsePasswords=Yes (default No)

Enabling the ISPAUTHUsePasswords=Yes option will over time effectively communicate all your accounts’ local mail passwords to your smart host. This could pose a risk to mail security, since it is providing sensitive information to another server. You should not use this option unless you are using a smart host that you absolutely trust and you believe it is necessary to do so. Further, you should note that if you use this option and give your users permission to change their Email password via WebAdmin or some other means, then changing the Email password will also effectively change the Smart host password. This could cause smart host authentication to fail for an account when its Email password is changed locally but the corresponding Smart host password isn't changed at your smart host.

Abort delivery if SMTP RCPT command receives a 5xx error

Enable this option if you wish MDaemon to abort its attempt to deliver a message when it receives a 5xx fatal error in response to the SMTP RCPT command. This option is disabled by default.

Bounce message if receiving domain has no MX records

Ordinarily when MDaemon checks the receiving domain's DNS records, it will look for MX records and then for an A record when no MX records are found. If neither are found then it will bounce the message back to the sender as undeliverable. Click this option if you want MDaemon to immediately bounce the message when no MX record is found, instead of allowing it to then look for an A record also. This option is Disabled by default.

Bounce message on first 5XX error from any of receiving domain's MX hosts

When this checkbox is enabled, MDaemon will return/bounce the message when it receives a 5xx fatal error response from an MX host. Consequently, it won’t continue trying to deliver the message to any subsequent MX hosts that may be designated for the recipient’s domain. If this option is disabled, MDaemon won’t bounce the message as long as at least one of the MX hosts returns a 4xx non-fatal error response. This option is enabled by default.
