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The options in the first section of this dialog are used to designate when or if inactive accounts or old messages belonging to the default domain will be deleted by MDaemon. Each day at midnight MDaemon will remove all messages and accounts that have exceeded the time limits stated. There are similar controls on the Domain Manager used for setting these limits for your other domains. There are also controls on the Account Editor that can be used to override these settings for individual accounts.

When old messages are pruned, MDaemon will not actually delete them, but will move them to the "…\BADMSGS\[Mailbox]\" folder where they can be manually deleted later by the administrator or a nightly process. Note: This only applies to pruned old messages. When an account is pruned, it will be deleted along with its messages instead of moved. See AccountPrune.txt in the "…MDaemon\App\" folder for more information and command line options.

Account and Old Mail Pruning

The options in this section apply only to the default domain. Use the Domain Manager to configure these settings for other domains.

Automatically delete account if inactive for XX days (0 = never)

Specify the number of days that you wish to allow an account belonging to this domain to be inactive before it will be deleted. A value of "0" in this control means that accounts will never be deleted due to inactivity.

Delete messages older than XX days (0 = never)

A value specified in this control is the number of days that any given message may reside in a user's mailbox before it will be deleted by MDaemon automatically. A value of "0" means that messages will never be deleted due to their age.

Purge deleted IMAP messages older than XX days (0 = never)

Use this control to specify the number days that you wish to allow IMAP messages that are flagged for deletion to remain in your users' folders. Messages flagged for deletion longer than this number of days will be purged from their mailboxes. A value of "0" means that messages flagged for deletion will never be purged due to their age.

Delete old messages from IMAP folders as well

Click this checkbox if you want the "Delete messages older than…" control to apply to messages in IMAP folders as well. When this control is disabled, messages contained in IMAP folders will not be deleted, regardless of their age.

Public folder pruning

Delete messages older than XX days (0=never)

Specify a number of days in this option if you want old messages to be deleted from Public Folders.

Antivirus/Content Filter Cleanup

Delete all quarantined files

Click this option if you want all quarantined file attachments to be deleted each night.

Delete all quarantined messages

Click this option if you want all quarantined messages to be deleted each night.

Delete all restricted attachments

Click this option if you want all restricted attachments to be deleted each night.