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Running WorldClient under IIS6

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WorldClient is equipped with a built-in web server and therefore doesn't require Internet Information Server (IIS) to operate. However, WorldClient does support IIS, and can therefore function as a ISAPI DLL. The following information on how to configure WorldClient to operate under IIS6 was taken from article #01465 of the MDaemon Knowledge Base at

1.Open the Internet Information Services Management Console.
2.Right-Click on Application Pools.
3.Choose New/Application Pool.
4.Name the Pool Alt-N and click the OK button.
5.Right-Click on Alt-N.
6.Click on Properties.
7.Click on the Performance tab.
8.Uncheck the options for Shutdown worker processes after being idle for (time in minutes): and Limit the kernel request queue (number of requests).
9.Click on the Identity tab.
10.In the drop-down for Predefined, choose Local Service.
11.Click the OK button.
12.Right-Click on Web Sites.
13.Choose New.
14.Click on Web Site. (This will launch a wizard)
15.Click on the Next button.
16.Type in a name for the site such as WorldClient.
17.Click on the Next button.
18.Click on the Next button again.
19.Browse to the Home directory: which will be C:\MDaemon\WorldClient\HTML with a default installation.
20.Click on the Next button.
21.Make sure the options for Read, Run Scripts, and Execute are checked.
22.Click on the Next button.
23.Click on the Finish button.
24.Right click on the website you just made (WorldClient).
25.Choose Properties.
26.Click on the Documents tab.
27.Remove all listed documents.
28.Add WorldClient.dll.
29.Choose the Home Directory tab.
30.Choose Alt-N in the Application Pool drop-down.
31.Click the OK button.
32.Click on Web Service Extensions.
33.Enable All Unknown ISAPI Extension or Create a new one for WorldClient.DLL.

The Internet Guest Account - IUSER_<SERVER_NAME> - needs Full Access NTFS permissions for the MDaemon directory and all sub-directories.

1.Right-Click on the MDaemon directory. (C:\MDaemon)
2.Select Properties.
3.Select the Security tab.
4.Click the Add button.
5.Click the Advanced button.
6.Click the Find Now button.
7.Select IUSER_<SERVER_NAME> (where "<SERVER_NAME>" is the name of the local computer).
8.Click the OK button.
9.Click the OK button.
10.Check the box for Full Control.
11.Click the OK button.

These same steps need to be applied to any directory MDaemon is configured to use.

When doing upgrades to MDaemon after setting up the web:

1.Open the Internet Information Services Management Console.
2.Open Application Pool list.
3.Right-Click Alt-N.
4.Choose Stop.
5.Shutdown MDaemon.
6.Install the upgrade.
7.Once installation is complete, start MDaemon.
8.In Information Services Management Console again, Right-Click Alt-N.
9.Choose Start.

If you follow the above method, the following should occur.

1.After stopping the Application Pool users will get a message Service Unavailable.
2.Following these steps should help minimize your chances of having to reboot your computer after upgrading MDaemon.

The setup of this program under IIS is NOT supported by tech support and those who choose to run WC under IIS must be aware of all security issues and ramifications of running any applications under IIS. It is recommended that all Patches and updates be installed on IIS before the installation of WorldClient as an ISAPI extension.

When running WorldClient under IIS you will no longer be able to start and stop it from MDaemon's interface. You must use the tools provided with IIS to do so.