Using Guide Data Objects to Access the Database

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Your loader can access the Guide database directly through the CdbDBEngine variable passed to the loader in its entry-point function, as shown in Making a Loader DLL. However, to avoid having to deal with the details of the database, your loader can use the Broadcast Architecture component library Dbsets.dll. This library provides objects that give access to each of the database tables, which contain the information required to manipulate how shows are displayed in the Program Guide. For more information on this library, see Guide Data Objects.

As an example of how to use Dbsets.dll, see the sample loader Load. The application object in Load includes pointers to each of the objects defined in Dbsets.dll. The Load member function OpenTables initializes these pointers. After calling OpenTables, Load can access any table in the database by using the appropriate object. To locate the source code for Load, see Broadcast Architecture Sample Applications.