Time Slot Table

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Time Slot table in the Guide database defines time slot and channel information for each program episode. The Time Slot table contains the following fields. For information on reserved fields, see Reserved Fields in the Time Slot Table,

Field Description
TS Alternate Audio Exists     Value that indicates whether an alternate audio stream is available.
TS Alternate Data Exists Value that indicates whether an alternate data stream is available.
TS Channel ID Foreign key from the Channel table.
TS Closed Caption Value that specifies whether the broadcast has closed captions.
TS End Time Ending time for this time slot.
TS Episode ID Foreign key from the Episode table.
TS Last Update Last time this row in the table was updated.
TS Length Length of this time slot, in minutes.
TS Other Properties Exist Value that indicates whether additional properties exist for the broadcast.
TS Rerun Value that specifies whether the broadcast is a rerun.
TS Start Time Beginning time for this time slot.
TS Stereo Value that specifies whether the broadcast is in stereo.
TS Time Slot ID Unique identifier for this time slot record.