[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The last step in broadcasting an enhancement is transmitting the events. The ipsend object transmits the enhancement events the same regardless of the broadcast system that transmits the IP data. The IP broadcast system can correspond to a Microsoft® Multicast Router, a LAN multicast system, or any other IP-supporting protocol. The ipsend object simply sends the IP data to the specified addresses.
Before you can transmit events using ipsend, you must connect to an outgoing IP broadcast protocol and convert the stream to low-level syntax. For more information about these steps, see Connecting to an IP Broadcast Protocol and Converting Events to Low-Level Syntax.
The ipsend object provides several methods that you can use to transmit events. The ipsend.SendEvent method automatically determines the type of the event and then transmits it. If you use this method to transmit events, you do not need to parse the stream.
In contrast, the rest of the transmission methods transmit only one type of event each. Before your application can call any of these methods, it must parse the stream to determine the type of each event. For more information, see Parsing an Enhancement Stream. These additional transmission methods are:
For more information about transmitting each type of event, see the following topics: