Scheduling Show Reminders

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

A show reminder is a special-purpose task scheduled in Task Scheduler, a feature of the Microsoft® Windows® 98 operating system. When a show reminder runs, it calls an application that displays a message informing the user that a television show is about to begin. Microsoft WebTV for Windows is typically used to display show reminders, but you can also write custom display applications to display your show reminders. For example, your custom application can play music or animate the show reminder message.

Users can set show reminders in the Microsoft® WebTV® for Windows user interface. In addition, Broadcast Architecture exposes several interfaces that you can use to programmatically set, modify, or delete show reminders. For example, you can create a control for an enhancement page that automatically schedules a reminder for next week's episode of a particular television program.

The following topics describe in order the basic tasks involved in creating a show reminder:

  1. Getting and Working with Episode Data
  2. Setting a Show Reminder
  3. Setting a Record Reminder
  4. Setting a Reminder That Appears in WebTV for Windows
  5. Displaying a Show Reminder
  6. Deleting a Show Reminder

The software supporting Broadcast Architecture includes the sample application Schsamp.dll, a Microsoft® ActiveX® component that schedules a show reminder. To locate Schsamp.dll, see Broadcast Architecture Sample Applications.

To locate more information about Task Scheduler, see Further General Information.