The Count property returns the number of AddressEntry objects in the collection, or a very large number if the exact count is not available. Read-only.
A large collection cannot always maintain an accurate count of its members, and the Count property cannot be used as the collection's size when it has the value &H7FFFFFFF. Programmers needing to access individual objects in a large collection are strongly advised to use the Microsoft® Visual Basic® For Each statement or the Get methods.
The recommended procedures for traversing a large collection are, in decreasing order of preference:
If the address book provider cannot supply the precise number of AddressEntry objects, CDO returns &H7FFFFFFF ( = 2^31 – 1 = 2,147,483,647) for the Count property. This is the largest positive value for a long integer and is intended to prevent an approximate count from prematurely terminating an indexed loop. On 32-bit platforms, this value is defined in the type library as CdoMaxCount. On other platforms, CdoMaxCount is not defined, and a program on such a platform must compare the Count property against &H7FFFFFFF to see if it is reliable.
If the Count property is not reliable, that is, if it is &H7FFFFFFF, a program using it to terminate an indexed loop must also check each returned object for a value of Nothing to avoid going past the end of the collection.
The use of the Item property in conjunction with the Count property in a large collection can be seen in the following example.
This code fragment counts the AddressEntry objects in a user's personal address book (PAB):
Dim indx As Long ' loop index / object counter
Dim myPAB as AddressList ' personal address book AddressList
Dim myPABColl as AddressEntries ' AddressEntries collection of PAB
Dim objOneAE as AddressEntry ' single address entry in collection
' select PAB from AddressLists collection of Session
Set myPAB = MAPI.Session.AddressLists.Item("Personal Address Book")
' .Item could have been omitted above since it is default property
' make sure returned AddressList object is valid
If myPAB Is Nothing Then
' MsgBox "PAB object is invalid"
' Exit
End If
' get AddressEntries collection of PAB AddressList
Set myPABColl = myPAB.AddressEntries
' see if PAB is empty
indx = myPABColl.Count ' valid if not a "very large number"
If 0 = indx Then ' collection empty
MsgBox "No AddressEntry items in PAB"
ElseIf CdoMaxCount = indx Then ' .Count is not valid; get exact count
indx = 0 ' set up to count individual address entries
For Each objOneAE in myPABColl
indx = indx + 1 ' another valid AddressEntry in collection
Next objOneAE
End If