AddressEntry Object

The AddressEntry object defines addressing information valid for a given messaging system. An address usually represents a person or process to which the messaging system can deliver messages.

At a Glance

Specified in type library: CDO.DLL
First available in: CDO Library version 1.0.a
Parent objects: AddressEntries collection
Child objects: Fields collection
Default property: Name

When an AddressEntry object is used as a child object of a Recipient object, it represents a copy of valid addressing information that is obtained from the address book during a call to the Recipient object's Resolve method. When you obtain the AddressEntry object in this context, you should not modify its properties.


Available since version

Address 1.0.a String Read/write
Application 1.0.a String Read-only
Class 1.0.a Long Read-only
DisplayType 1.0.a Long Read-only
Fields 1.0.a Field object or Fields collection object Read-only
ID 1.0.a String Read-only
Manager 1.1 AddressEntry object Read-only
MAPIOBJECT 1.1 IUnknown object Read/write (Note: Not available to Visual Basic applications)
Members 1.1 AddressEntries collection object Read-only
Name 1.0.a String Read/write
Parent 1.0.a AddressEntries collection object or Recipient object Read-only
Session 1.0.a Session object Read-only
Type 1.0.a String Read/write


Available since version
Delete 1.0.a (none)
Details 1.0.a (optional) parentWindow as Long
GetFreeBusy 1.2 StartTime as Variant,
EndTime as Variant,
Interval as Long
IsSameAs 1.1 (required) objAddrEntry2 as Object
Update 1.0.a (optional) makePermanent as Boolean,
(optional) refreshObject as Boolean


An AddressEntry object can be rendered into HTML hypertext using the CDO Rendering ObjectRenderer object. To specify this, set the object renderer's DataSource property to the AddressEntry object itself. The individual properties that can be rendered with the RenderProperty method are indicated in the AddressEntry object property descriptions.