Name Property (AddressEntryFilter Object)

The Name property specifies a value for use in an ANR (ambiguous name resolution) restriction on an AddressEntry object. Read/write.



The Name property is the default property of an AddressEntryFilter object, meaning that objAddressEntryFilter is syntactically equivalent to objAddressEntryFilter.Name in Microsoft® Visual Basic® code.

Data Type



The Name property contains an ANR string that can be compared against each AddressEntry object using a provider-defined algorithm. The property or properties used in the comparison are chosen by the provider as part of the algorithm; the PR_DISPLAY_NAME property is the most commonly used.

The Name property corresponds to the MAPI property PR_ANR.


This code fragment specifies that the address entry filter should pass all AddressEntry objects that contain any resolution of the string "pet", such as "Peter", "Petra", "Peterson", and "pet lovers":

Dim colAEs As AddressEntries 
Dim objAEFilt As AddressEntryFilter 
Dim objAEpet As AddressEntry 
' ... validate AddressEntries collection ... 
Set objAEFilt = colAEs.Filter 
' ... validate AddressEntry object ... 
objAEFilt.Name = "pet" 
For Each objAEpet in colAEs 
  MsgBox "Found " & objAEpet ' .Name is default property 