Submitted Property (Message Object)

the Submitted property is True when the message has been submitted to the MAPI system. Read/write.



Data Type



In general, there are three different kinds of messages: sent, posted, and saved. Sent messages are traditional e-mail messages sent to a recipient or public folder. Posted messages are created in a public folder. Saved messages are created and saved without either sending or posting.

For all three kinds of messages, you use the Sent, Submitted, and Unread properties and the Send or Update methods.

The following table summarizes the use of the message properties and methods for the three kinds of messages. In some systems the message store and transport providers are tightly coupled, in which case they bypass the spooler and perform its functions themselves.

Kind of message Method used Sent property Submitted property Unread property
Sent Send Spooler sets True Send sets True Spooler sets True
Posted Update Application sets True Application sets False Application sets True
Saved Update Application sets False Application sets False Application sets True

For sent and saved messages, the Submitted property is set to False before sending or saving the message. The messaging system also resets Submitted to False when the message arrives in a recipient's Inbox.

For posted messages, you create the message directly within a public folder and call the Update method. Some viewers do not allow the message to become visible to other users until you set the Submitted property to True.

For more information on sending and posting messages, see Creating and Sending a Message and Posting Messages to a Public Folder.

AppointmentItem objects in a Microsoft® Schedule+ calendar folder do not have the full set of attributes of a general message. If you obtain the default calendar folder by passing CdoDefaultFolderCalendar to the Session object's GetDefaultFolder method, its appointments have no defined value for the Submitted property. An attempt to access Submitted in this case returns CdoE_NOT_FOUND.

The Submitted property corresponds to the MSGFLAG_SUBMIT flag being set in the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS. It can be rendered into HTML hypertext using the CDO Rendering ObjectRenderer object. To specify this, set the object renderer's DataSource property to this Message object and the property parameter of the RenderProperty method to CdoPR_MESSAGE_FLAGS. However, you must assign a CDO Rendering Format object to the PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS property and use the Value property of the format's Pattern objects to isolate the MSGFLAG_SUBMIT flag's setting for rendering.