ObjectRenderer Object

The ObjectRenderer object renders selected properties of a specified CDO object.

At a Glance

Specified in type library: CDOHTML.DLL
First available in: CDO Rendering Library version 1.1
Parent objects: RenderingApplication (or none)
Child objects: Formats collection
Default property: (none)


Available since version

Class 1.1 Long Read-only
CodePage 1.1 Long, Object, or String Read/write
DataSource 1.1 AddressEntry, AppointmentItem, Attachment, Folder, MeetingItem, or Message object Read/write
Formats 1.1 Format object or Formats collection object Read-only
LCID 1.1 Long Read-only
LinkPattern 1.1 String Read/write
Parent 1.1 RenderingApplication object or set to Nothing Read-only


Available since version
RenderDate 1.2 varDate as Variant,
varFormat as String,
(optional) varResponseObject as Object
RenderLink 1.1 (optional) varResponseObject as Object
RenderProperty 1.1 varProperty as Variant,
(optional) varboolRaw as Boolean,
(optional) varResponseObject as Object
RenderTime 1.2 varDate as Variant,
varFormat as String,
(optional) varResponseObject as Object


The ObjectRenderer object can be applied to a CDO object to render selected properties. For example, you can use it to render the subject properties of a Message object or the subfolders of a Folder object. The object renderer is easier and faster to use than a specialized renderer such as the ContainerRenderer object. You use the object renderer when you need only a few properties and not the full tabular functionality of the specialized rendering object.