Recipients Collection Object

The Recipients collection object contains one or more Recipient objects and specifies the recipients of a message.

At a Glance

Specified in type library: CDO.DLL
First available in: CDO Library version 1.0.a
Parent objects: Message
Child objects: Recipient
Default property: Item

A Recipients collection is considered a small collection, which means that it supports count and index values that let you access an individual Recipient object through the Item property. The Recipients collection supports the Microsoft® Visual Basic® For Each statement. For more information on collections, see Object Collections.


Available since version

Application 1.0.a String Read-only
Class 1.0.a Long Read-only
Count 1.0.a Long Read-only
Item 1.0.a Recipient object Read-only
RawTable 1.1 IUnknown object Read/write (Note: Not available to Visual Basic applications)
Parent 1.0.a Message object Read-only
Resolved 1.0.a Boolean Read-only
Session 1.0.a Session object Read-only


Available since version
Add 1.0.a (optional) name as String,
(optional) address as String,
(optional) type as Long,
(optional) entryID as String
AddMultiple 1.1 names as String,
(optional) type as Long
Delete 1.0.a (none)
GetFirstUnresolved 1.1 (none)
GetFreeBusy 1.2 StartTime as Variant,
EndTime as Variant,
Interval as Long
GetNextUnresolved 1.1 (none)
Resolve 1.0.a (optional) showDialog as Boolean


A Recipients collection can be rendered into HTML hypertext in tabular form using the CDO Rendering ContainerRenderer object. To specify this, set the container renderer's DataSource property to the Recipients collection object itself.

With the same DataSource setting, the container renderer's RenderProperty method can also render selected properties of the collection's parent Message object. The individual properties that can be rendered are indicated in the Message object property descriptions.