ContainerRenderer Object

The ContainerRenderer object renders the rows of a container object as an HTML table.

At a Glance

Specified in type library: CDOHTML.DLL
First available in: CDO Rendering Library version 1.1
Parent objects: RenderingApplication (or none)
Child objects: Formats collection
Views collection
Default property: (none)


Available since version

BusinessDayEndTime 1.2 Variant (vbDate format) Read/write
BusinessDays 1.2 Long Read/write
BusinessDayStartTime 1.2 Variant (vbDate format) Read/write
CellPattern 1.1 String Read/write
Class 1.1 Long Read-only
CodePage 1.1 Long, Object, or String Read/write
CurrentStore 1.2 InfoStore object Write-only
CurrentView 1.1 TableView object Read/write
DataSource 1.1 AddressEntries collection object, Folders collection object, Messages collection object, or Recipients collection object Read/write
FirstDayOfWeek 1.2 Long Read/write
Formats 1.1 Format object or Formats collection object Read-only
HeadingCellPattern 1.1 String Read/write
HeadingRowPrefix 1.1 String Read/write
HeadingRowSuffix 1.1 String Read/write
Is24HourClock 1.2 Boolean Read/write
LCID 1.1 Long Read-only
LinkPattern 1.1 String Read/write
Parent 1.1 Object; set to Nothing Read-only
PrivateStore 1.1 InfoStore object Write-only
RowsPerPage 1.1 Integer Read/write
RowPrefix 1.1 String Read/write
RowSuffix 1.1 String Read/write
TablePrefix 1.1 String Read/write
TableSuffix 1.1 String Read/write
TimeZone 1.2 Long Read/write
Views 1.1 CalendarView object, TableView object, or Views collection object Read-only


Available since version
Render 1.1 iStyle as Long,
(optional) varPageNo as Long,
(optional) varboolRaw as Boolean,
(optional) varResponseObject as Object
RenderDate 1.2 varDate as Variant,
varFormat as String,
(optional) varResponseObject as Object
RenderHeading 1.1 (optional) bstrCellPattern as String,
(optional) varResponseObject as Object
RenderProperty 1.1 varProperty as Variant,
(optional) varboolRaw as Boolean,
(optional) varResponseObject as Object
RenderTime 1.2 varDate as Variant,
varFormat as String,
(optional) varResponseObject as Object


The ContainerRenderer object can render any subset of the rows of a container object. It can accept a CDO AddressEntries, Folders, Messages, or Recipients collection in its DataSource property.

The container object contents rendered by the container renderer are as follows:

Data source (container object) Objects (contents) rendered
AddressEntries collection AddressEntry
Folders collection Folder
Messages collection AppointmentItem, GroupHeader, MeetingItem, Message
Recipients collection Recipient

The container renderer inherits all the functionality of the object renderer, and has additional capability specific to rendering an address book container or folder as a table.