PatternStartDate Property (RecurrencePattern Object)

The PatternStartDate property returns or sets the day on or after which the appointment first recurs. Read/write.



Data Type

Variant (vbDate format)


The PatternStartDate property contains the earliest possible date of the first occurrence of the appointment. This qualification is necessary because PatternStartDate is not required to be included in the pattern specified by the DayOfMonth, DayOfWeekMask, Instance, Interval, and MonthOfYear properties. A recurrence is generated on PatternStartDate only if it matches the pattern.

PatternStartDate is always valid on a newly created RecurrencePattern object and defaults to the date component of the StartTime property of the AppointmentItem object that created this recurrence pattern.

The time component of the vbDate format is ignored when you set the PatternStartDate property. When you read PatternStartDate, the time component of the StartTime property is used to return a full vbDate value representing the starting time on the starting date.

The date component of PatternStartDate must not be later than PatternEndDate. These two properties determine the overall time period during which the AppointmentItem object is scheduled for recurrence.

Setting the PatternStartDate property causes CDO to force certain other recurrence pattern properties into conformance. PatternEndDate is recalculated from PatternStartDate and Occurrences. However, if the new PatternEndDate is January 1, 4000 or later, NoEndDate is reset to True, Occurrences is reset to 1,490,000, and PatternEndDate is reset to the month and day of PatternStartDate in the year 4001.

If you change PatternStartDate to a date later than the current PatternEndDate, PatternEndDate is recalculated using the current value of Occurrences. Since PatternEndDate is always forced to be no earlier than PatternStartDate, Occurrences always has a minimum value of 1.

If you change the PatternStartDate after one or more individual recurrences have been instantiated, Microsoft® Schedule+ automatically deletes any recurrences earlier than the new PatternStartDate, and Microsoft® Outlook™ deletes all instantiated recurrences. CDO determines what your active calendar store is and deletes recurrences in the appropriate manner.

CDO imposes a limit of December 31, 3999 on PatternStartDate. If you attempt to exceed this limit, an error is returned.

Changes you make to properties on a RecurrencePattern object take effect when you call the underlying appointment's Send or Update method.