Sensitivity Property (Message Object)

The Sensitivity property specifies the sensitivity of the message. Read/write.



Data Type



The Sensitivity property can have exactly one of the following values:

Constant Value Description
CdoNoSensitivity 0 No special sensitivity (default)
CdoPersonal 1 Personal
CdoPrivate 2 Private
CdoConfidential 3 Designated as company confidential

AppointmentItem objects in a Microsoft® Schedule+ calendar folder do not have the full set of attributes of a general message. If you obtain the default calendar folder by passing CdoDefaultFolderCalendar to the Session object's GetDefaultFolder method, its appointments have no defined value for the Sensitivity property. If you set Sensitivity to CdoPersonal or CdoConfidential, Schedule+ stores it as CdoNoSensitivity.

The Sensitivity property corresponds to the MAPI property PR_SENSITIVITY. It can be rendered into HTML hypertext using the CDO Rendering ObjectRenderer object. To specify this, set the object renderer's DataSource property to this Message object and the property parameter of the RenderProperty method to CdoPR_SENSITIVITY.


This code fragment sets the sensitivity of a message as personal:

' from the sample function QuickStart: 
    Set objMessage = objSession.Outbox.Messages.Add 
    ' ... check here to verify the message was created ... 
    objMessage.Subject = "Meeting change" 
    objMessage.Text = "Reschedule to Wednesday at noon." 
    objMessage.Sensitivity = CdoPersonal 