Formats Property (ContainerRenderer Object)

The Formats property returns a single Format object or a Formats collection. Read-only.


Set objFormats = objContRend.Formats

Set objFormat = objContRend.Formats(index)

Set objFormat = objContRend.Formats(name)

On successful return, contains the Formats collection of this container renderer.
Required. The ContainerRenderer object.
On successful return, contains an individual Format object belonging to this container renderer's Formats collection.
Integer. An index into the container renderer's Formats collection.
String. The reference name of a special-purpose Format object in the collection.

Data Type

Object (Format or Formats collection)


Each format in the collection corresponds to a single property, except for special-purpose formats, which do not represent specific properties. Every property to be rendered should be represented by exactly one Format object.

New formats should be added to the collection before the DataSource property is set. If you define a new format after changing the data source, it is ignored during the rendering.

If a Format object is to be accessed with the index parameter, the value of index must be between 1 and the size of the container renderer's Formats collection. This size is available in the collection's Count property.

Although the Formats property itself is read-only, the collection it returns can be accessed in the normal manner through its Add method, and the properties on its member Format objects retain their respective read/write or read-only accessibility.