BanParticipant MethodBanParticipant Method*

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BanParticipant Method

Bans a member from or reinstates a member to a chat room.


object.BanParticipant Name, Set


objectRequired. An object expression that evaluates to a Chat control.
NameRequired. A BSTR value that contains the alias of the member to be banned or reinstated.
SetRequired. A Boolean value that determines whether the member is banned or reinstated. If the value is set to TRUE, the member is banned from the chat room and cannot rejoin it. If the value is set to FALSE, the member is reinstated and can join the chat at any time.


This method only prevents the member from rejoining or allows the member to rejoin the chat room after leaving or being kicked. It does not kick the member from the chat room. BanParticipant cannot be called before the OnEndEnumeration event has been triggered.

See Also


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