KickParticipant MethodKickParticipant Method*

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KickParticipant Method

Kicks a member from the chat room.


object.KickParticipant ParticipantID, KickComment


objectRequired. An object expression that evaluates to a Chat control.
ParticipantIDRequired. A long integer value that indicates which member will be kicked. If ParticipantID is set to -1, the method uses the participant ID of the member selected in the Participant list box. If ParticipantID is not set to -1, the participant ID must have come from an OnEnterParticipant event.
KickCommentRequired. A BSTR value that contains a text message with the host's reason for kicking the member. If the kicked member uses the Chat control and has the value 128 (inform about member status changes) set in the UIOption property, the member will see a message box with this reason.


This method cannot be called before the OnEndEnumeration event has been triggered.

See Also

BanParticipant, OnParticipantKicked, ThisParticipantID

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