MemberIdentity PropertyMemberIdentity Property*

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MemberIdentity Property

Synchronously accesses the Identity of a channel member.


value.object.MemberIdentity [MemberNickname]


valueRequired. A string expression containing the Identity of a member.
objectRequired. An object expression that evaluates to a Channel object.
MemberNicknameOptional. A variant. When specified, the variant must be a string and represent the nickname of a channel member. If not specified, the Identity of the caller is returned.


Access is read-only.

The member's Identity is composed of the member's UserName and IPAddress separated by the @ sign.


The Identity of a member is fixed. The identity cannot vary, unlike a member's Nickname.

The user can also synchronously get a member's Identity by using:

<channel>.MemberProperty("Identity", <nickname>)

But the MemberIdentity call is simpler and more efficient.

The asynchronous method to access a member's identity is:

<channel>.QueryMemberProperty "Identity", <nickname>

See Also

MemberProperty, Nickname, QueryMemberProperty

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