Member PropertiesMember Properties*

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Member Properties

The following table contains the member properties supported by Chat Protocol Control 2.0.

Note RO: Read-only   RW: Read/write   QO: Query-only   WO: Write-only

Name    Type Access   Description
Identity String RO Yields the user name and IP address of the member.
IPAddress String RO IP address of the user. (Host name in IRC terminology.)
IPAddressOp    String    QO Used when listing, banning, or ignoring members.
Modes Long RW or RO    The member modes (mmAway, mmNotClientIgnored, and so on).
Nickname String RO The member's nickname.
NicknameOp String QO Used when listing, banning, or ignoring members.
ObjectId Long RO IRCX specific. Internal object identifier for the member. If set to "0", this feature is not supported on the server.
UserName String RO The member's user name.
UserNameOp String QO Used when listing, banning, or ignoring members.

See Also
