enumMemberMode EnumerationenumMemberMode Enumeration*

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enumMemberMode Enumeration

Used in OnMemberProperty and OnMemberPropertyChanged events, QueryMemberProperty and ChangeMemberProperty methods, and MemberProperty and MemberModes properties.

mmNone Value = &H0. No specific member mode is set.
mmClientIgnored Value = &H1. At the client level, incoming messages from specific members will be ignored and not exposed by an OnMessage event. This is ignoring at the client level, not the server level.
mmNotClientIgnored Value = &H2. At the client level, incoming messages from specific members will not be ignored and will be exposed by an OnMessage event.
mmAuthMember Value = &H4. The member was authenticated by the server by the use of a password or authentication package.
mmNotAuthMember Value = &H8. The member was not authenticated by the server.
mmAway Value = &H10. The member has an away text message, and the away flag is set.
mmNotAway Value = &H20. The member does not have an away text message, and the away flag is not set.
mmSysop Value = &H40. The member is a system operator.
mmNotSysop Value = &H80. The member is not a system operator.
mmOwner Value = &H100. The member is an owner of the channel.
mmNotOwner Value = &H200. The member is not an owner of the channel.
mmHost Value = &H400. The member is a host of the channel.
mmNotHost Value = &H800. The member is not a host of the channel.
mmVoice Value = &H1000. The member is able to speak even if the channel is moderated.
mmNoVoice Value = &H2000. The member cannot speak if the channel is moderated.

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