enumMessageType EnumerationenumMessageType Enumeration*

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enumMessageType Enumeration

Used in OnMessage event and SendMessage method parameters.

msgtNormal Value = &H0. Sends a regular text message to the channel.
msgtNotice Value = &H1. Similar to msgtNormal, but the client does not expect an answer from the recipient(s).
msgtData Value = &H2. IRCX servers only. Sends data instead of text.
msgtDataRequest Value = &H4. IRCX servers only. Similar to msgtData except the sender expects a msgtDataReply response from the recipient(s).
msgtDataReply Value = &H8. IRCX servers only. Similar to msgtData except the sender does not expect a reply.
msgtDataRaw Value = &H10. IRCX servers only. Sends raw bytes to the server without using an internal message header. This flag must be combined with msgtData, msgtDataRequest, or msgtDataReply.
msgtWhisper Value = &H20. Used to whisper to some channel members instead of sending out to the entire channel. The recipients receive the whole list of recipients.
msgtThought Value = &H40. Incoming messages only. Indicates that the message is a thought.
msgtAction Value = &H80. Sends an action CTCP.
msgtSound Value = &H100. Sends a sound CTCP.
msgtCTCP Value = &H200. Sends a regular CTCP.
msgtInfo Value = &H400. Incoming messages from Microsoft Chat Control 1.1 only. Used to indicate what kind of visual character and what type of gesture to display.

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