Scheduled Event Dialog Box
If A scheduled event occurs is checked in the New Agent dialog box, the Schedule button is enabled. Choosing it displays the Scheduled Event dialog box, which you use to schedule timer events.

These are some of the controls on this dialog box:
Hourly When this option is selected, the At time control and the Mon through Sun check boxes are unavailable. Use the Every control to specify the time interval on which the timer event should fire. The maximum number of hours is 99, and the maximum number of minutes is 59. Events will only fire during the hours indicated by the Start and End controls. All Day is the default choice.
Daily When this option is selected, the At time control and the Mon through Sun check boxes are unavailable. Choosing Daily causes the event to be fired once every day at the time specified with the At control. Because this choice specifies a particular time of day, when Daily is selected, the All Day, Start, and End controls are unavailable.
Weekly When this option is selected, the Every control is unavailable. It causes the event to be fired at the time specified by the At control on each day of the week checked. Because this specifies a particular time of day, when Weekly is selected, the All Day, Start, and End controls are unavailable.