Schedule Object

The Schedule object represents the entire schedule and all the objects contained therein. Using the Schedule object, applications can get and set user preferences for the schedule. Additionally, applications can use the Schedule object to retrieve tables for all the Schedule+ objects.

The Schedule object has the following properties.

Property Description
AccessActual Overrides the current access control list (ACL) level to mark the item private.
AccessControls Table of Access objects.
AccessEffective ACL level granted to the user viewing an item.
AlarmAmountDefault Default time interval before the start of an appointment when an alarm will ring.
AlarmAmountDefaultTask Default time interval before the start of a task when an alarm will ring.
AlarmsEnabled Determines whether alarms have been enabled.
AlarmsToRing Table of Alarm objects.
AlarmTypeUnitDefault Time unit to use for the alarm.
AlarmTypeUnitDefaultTask Time unit to use for the alarm for tasks.
Appointments Single appointments merged with instances of recurring appointments.
AutoAlarms Determines whether an alarm should be set for new appointments and events.
AutoAlarmsTask Determines whether an alarm should be set for new tasks.
AutoProcessMeetingCancellations Determines whether Schedule+ should automatically process incoming meeting cancellations for the user.
AutoProcessMeetingRequests Determines whether Schedule+ should automatically process incoming meeting requests for the user.
BeforeEndDefaultTask Indicates that the alarm is set relative to the end rather than to the start of a new task by default.
BossWantsCopy Determines whether the owner, in addition to the meeting delegates, receives a copy of meeting mail.
ChangeNumber Change number for the schedule.
Contacts Table of contacts.
DailyAlarm Determines whether daily alarms should ring.
DayEndsAt Number of half hours from midnight for the end of day.
DayStartsAt Number of half hours from midnight for the start of day.
DefaultEstimatedEffortAmount Amount used as default for estimated effort.
DefaultEstimatedEffortTypeUnit Type of unit for default estimated effort.
DefaultHomePhone1 First default home phone type.
DefaultHomePhone2 Second default home phone type.
DefaultProjectPriority Priority assigned to new projects.
DefaultTaskDurationAmount Amount of time used as default for task duration.
DefaultTaskDurationTypeUnit Type of unit for default task duration.
DefaultTaskPriority Priority assigned to new tasks.
DelegateEntryId Multivalued property containing a list of string values for the MAPI entry identifiers of delegates.
DelegateName Multivalued property containing a list of string values for the human-readable names of delegates.
DeleteDataAfter Number of months of data to keep before prompting the user for archiving.
DisallowAppointmentOverlap Boolean value indicating whether to allow overlapping appointments to be scheduled. Designed particularly for resources.
DisallowRecurringItems Boolean value indicating whether to allow recurring items to be scheduled.
Events Single events merged with instances of recurring events.
LastCleanup Last date that schedule cleanup was performed.
LastDailyAlarm Date that the daily alarm was last rung.
LastSynchronized Date and time of the last schedule synchronization.
Name Calendar-friendly name of the schedule.
Password Password for the schedule file.
Projects Table of all projects.
PublishFreeBusy Number of months to publish whether the user is free or busy.
Ranges Range of change numbers.
ReceivedRanges Range of change numbers received from the master schedule.
ReceivedRangesTable Table of change numbers.
RecurringAppointments Recurring appointments.
RecurringEvents Recurring events.
RecurringTasks Recurring tasks.
ResourceType Determines whether the schedule is for a resource such as a conference room.
Roles Table of Role items.
ScheduleId Item identifier associated with a Schedule object.
SentRanges Range of change numbers sent to the master schedule.
SentRangesTable Table of change numbers.
SingleAppointments Appointments that occur only once.
SingleEvents Events that occur only once.
SingleTasks Tasks that occur only once.
SoundDefault Default value for the sound level of an alarm.
SoundLevel Sound level of an alarm.
TableForRange Identifier for a table to which a range of change numbers refers.
Tasks Single tasks merged with instances of recurring tasks.
TimeUnitsPerHour Number of time units per hour shown in appointment and planner views.
Timezone Current time zone for the schedule.
UserEntryId User’s MAPI entry identifier.
UserSearchKey User’s MAPI search key.
WeekStartOn Day on which to start the week.

The Schedule object has the following data members.

Data Member Description
Application Returns an Application object.
CanUndo Returns whether the last transaction can be undone.
Parent Returns to the object’s parent object.
Properties Returns the count and values of the properties defined on an object, or the property itself if used with an index.
SupportedOperations Returns the operations available for the schedule.
Timezone Returns the current time zone for the schedule.
Usage Returns information on how actively the Schedule object is being used.
UserAddress Returns the e-mail address of the currently logged-on Schedule+ user.
UserEntryId Returns the MAPI entry identifier for the logged-on Schedule+ user.
UserName Returns the name of the user currently logged on to Schedule+.
UserSearchKey Returns the MAPI search key of the currently logged-on Schedule+ user.
Visible Returns whether the schedule is displayed.

The Schedule object has the following methods.

Method Description
Activate Activates a Schedule+ window to display the schedule.
BeginTransaction Begins a transaction to buffer changes to a schedule.
ClearUndo Clears any undo operations available for the schedule.
DeleteProperties Deletes a specified property.
EndTransaction Saves all buffered changes to a schedule.
Flush Removes properties that have been changed.
FreeBusy Indicates whether a user is free or busy.
GetProperties Gets the value of one or more specified properties.
GetProperty Gets the value of a specified property for Visual Basic version 3.0.
RollbackTransaction Rolls back all buffered changes to a schedule.
SetProperties Sets the value of one or more properties.
Synchronize Synchronizes the logged-on user’s local and server schedules (if group-enabled).
Undo Undoes the last operation performed on the schedule.