Access Object

The Access object stores access control information for a user’s schedule file and has the following properties.

Property Description
AccessActual Overrides the current access control list (ACL) level to mark the item private.
AccessDefault Default ACL level for Access objects.
AccessEffective ACL level granted to the user viewing an item.
AccessLists Multivalued property that contains ACL levels of a table.
ChangeNumber Change number for the schedule.
Created Date and time at which an object was created.
CreatorEntryId Mail entry identifier for the creator of an item.
CreatorName MAPI display name of an item's creator.
CreatorSearchKey MAPI search key of an item’s creator.
ItemId Item identifier for an object.
LastModified Date and time at which the object was last modified.
ReceiveMeetingRequest Determines whether a delegate, in addition to the meeting owner, should receive meeting requests.
TableList Multivalued list of tables for ACLs.
UserDisplay MAPI display name of the user associated with an item.
UserEntryId MAPI entry identifier for a user associated with an item.
UserSearchKey MAPI search key of a user associated with an item.

The Access object has the following data members.

Data Member Description
Application Returns an Application object.
Parent Returns to an object’s parent.
Properties Returns the number of properties defined for an object.

The Access object has the following methods.

Method Description
DeleteProperties Deletes a specified property.
Flush Removes properties that have been changed.
GetProperties Gets the value of one or more specified properties.
GetProperty Gets the value of a specified property for Visual Basic version 3.0.
SetProperties Sets the value of one or more properties.