Task Object

The Task object represents a task and has the following properties.

Property Description
AccessActual Overrides the current access control list (ACL) level to mark the item private.
AccessEffective ACL level granted to the user viewing an item.
AlarmAmount Time interval before the start of a task when an alarm will ring.
AlarmAmountAgain Default amount of time to wait when the user sets the alarm snooze option.
AlarmAmountOriginal Time interval before a task for which an alarm was set before the user set the alarm snooze option.
AlarmTypeUnit Time unit to use for the alarm.
AlarmTypeUnitAgain Time unit to use as the default in the Reminder dialog box.
AlarmTypeUnitOriginal Time unit used for an alarm before the user set the alarm snooze option.
AmountActualEffort Amount of actual effort required to perform a task.
AmountEstimatedEffort Amount of estimated effort required to perform a task.
AmountStartWork Start date of the task.
BeforeEnd Indicates that the alarm is set relative to the end rather than the start of an item.
BeforeEndOriginal State of the BeforeEnd property before the user set the alarm snooze option.
Billing Billing information.
CompletedDate Date that an item was completed.
ContactItemId Item identifier for an item in the Contacts table.
ChangeNumber Change number for the schedule.
Created Date and time at which an object was created.
CreatorEntryId MAPI entry identifier for an item's creator.
CreatorName MAPI display name of an item's creator.
CreatorSearchKey MAPI search key for an item's creator.
EndDate End date for an item.
Goal Goal for the project.
IsFromOther Set of flags indicating that the item was created by another application.
IsRecurringInstance Determines whether an item is an instance of a recurrence pattern.
IsTaskAutoDone Determines whether a task should appear as done automatically on its end date.
ItemId Item identifier for an object.
LastModified Date and time at which the object was last modified.
Mileage Mileage.
Notes Notes on an item.
PercentCompleted Percentage of the task that is currently complete.
Priority Priority of an item.
ProjectItemId Item identifier for an item in the Projects table to which the task is linked.
Ring Determines whether an alarm has been set to ring for an item.
RingAgain Preference used when ringing an alarm.
RingOriginal Determines whether there used to be an alarm on an item before the alarm rang.
Roles Table of Role items.
RoleColor Color of the Role object.
RoleItemId Item identifier for the Role object.
RolePosition Position of the Role object.
StartDate Start date for an item.
TaskOwner Task placeholder for the owner.
TaskRecipients Task placeholder for recipients.
TaskSource Task placeholder for the source.
Text Text value of an item.
TypeUnitActualEffort Type of unit for actual effort for an item.
TypeUnitEstimatedEffort Type of unit for estimated effort for an item.
TypeUnitStartWork Type of unit for amount of time before the end date to start work.

The Task object has the following data members.

Data Member Description
Application Returns an Application object.
Parent Returns to an object’s parent.
Properties Returns the number of properties defined for an object.

The Task object has the following methods.

Method Description
DeleteProperties Deletes a specified property.
Flush Removes properties that have been changed.
GetProperties Gets the value of one or more specified properties.
GetProperty Gets the value of a specified property for Visual Basic version 3.0.
SetProperties Sets the value of one or more properties.