Round Rectangle Dialog Box

See Also

Specifies the exact shape, position, and printing options for round rectangle controls. This dialog box appears when you draw a round rectangle in a report or label and then double-click it while it's selected.

Dialog Box Options


Specifies the style of the round rectangle.

Object Position


Specifies that the selected round rectangle control move relative to the size of the surrounding fields.

Fix Relative to Top of Band

Causes the round rectangle to remain in the position you give it in the Report or Label Designer and maintains that position relative to the top of the band.

Fix Relative to Bottom of Band

Causes the round rectangle to remain in the position you give it in the Report or Label Designer and maintains that position relative to the bottom of the band.

Stretch Downwards

No Stretch

Specifies that the round rectangle not stretch vertically as the band stretches to display field data.

Stretch Relative to Tallest Object In Group

Specifies that the round rectangle stretch to accommodate the tallest object in the group.

Stretch Relative to Height of Band

Specifies that the round rectangle stretch to fit in the band.

Print When

Displays the Print When dialog box so you can control exactly when the round rectangle is printed in your report or label.


Allows you to add comments to the .frx or .lbx file. Comments are for reference only and do not appear anywhere in the printed report or label.

For more information, see "Setting Print Options for Controls" in Chapter 12, Adding Queries and Reports in the Programmer's Guide.