View Field Properties Dialog Box

Allows you to specify options for fields in a view just as you do for fields in database tables. Use this dialog box to define properties to determine the type of data the field stores, to control data entry for updatable views, and to control the display of the field.

This dialog box appears when you select a field then choose the Properties button on the Fields tab of the View Designer.

Dialog Box Options


Specifies the name of the selected field in the view. To set properties on other selected fields, you can choose from the drop-down list.

Field Validation Options

These options allow you to control the contents of the field.


Specifies the expression for the field-level rule that controls which values can be entered into the field.


Specifies the error message displayed when the field-level rule is violated.

Default value

Specifies a quantity or string that is the content for a field when a new record is added. The default value remains in the field until you enter a new value.

Display Options

These options allow you to control how values are entered or displayed in the field.


Specifies the expression for case, size, and style for display of the field in the Browse window, forms, or reports. Property settings within the form and report can override this expression.

Input Mask

Specifies the format for values as they are entered into the field. For example, telephone numbers might have a format of (999) 999-9999.


Specifies the label that appears for the field in the Browse window, forms, or reports. Property settings within the form or report can override this setting.

Map Field Type to Classes Options

If you plan to use the view field in forms, these options allow you to specify a default control type that appears when you drop the field on a form.

Display library

Specifies the class library file (.vcx) containing the control class you want to associate with the field.

Display class

Specifies the type of control that is created when the field is dropped onto a form.

Data Mapping Options

By default, the view field has the same property settings as its associated field in a table. These options are only enabled for remote views.

Data type (remote views only)

Specifies the kind of data this field can hold.

Width (remote views only)

Specifies the number of characters this field can hold.

Decimal (remote views only)

For numeric data types, specifies the number of places to the right of the decimal point this field can hold.

Comment (remote views only)

Provides space for you to type a comment about the field.