Query and View Designers

See Also

Use the Query Designer and the View Designer to create and modify queries and views. When the Query or View Designer is active, Visual FoxPro displays the Query menu and the Query toolbar or View Designer toolbar.

The top pane of the designer displays the tables in the query or view. Each table is represented by a resizeable window that lists the table's fields and indexes. The designer shows join conditions by displaying lines that connect fields between tables. You can drag indexed fields between tables to create join conditions. Double-click a line to display the Join Condition dialog box for editing the condition.

Tab Options


Specifies fields, aggregate functions such as SUM or COUNT, or other expressions.


Specifies join expressions for matching records between two or more tables or views.


Specifies conditions for selecting records, such as specific values in a field or join conditions defining temporary relationships between tables.

Order By

Specifies fields, aggregate functions such as SUM or COUNT, or other expressions used to set the order of records retrieved in the query.

Group By

Specifies fields, aggregate functions such as SUM or COUNT, or other expressions used to combine records into a group based on identical values in those fields.

Update Criteria

Specifies conditions under which views are updated. (View Designer only).


Specifies if duplicates should be retrieved and limits on records such as the top quantity or percentage.