Command-Line Switches

You can add switches to the Visual FoxPro command line to affect how the program starts.

To use a command-line switch



Ignores the default configuration file and Windows registry settings. This is equivalent to starting Visual FoxPro with the configuration settings it had when first installed, which can be useful for debugging settings that might cause Visual FoxPro to start incorrectly.

For details about configuring the Visual FoxPro environment, see Chapter 3, Configuring Visual FoxPro in the Installation Guide.


Displays your own bitmap when Visual FoxPro is started. If the bitmap you specify cannot be located, a bitmap isn't displayed when Visual FoxPro is started. The -b command line switch can also be included in a Visual FoxPro shortcut:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual ;
Studio\Vfp98\Vfp6.exe -bC:\Mydir\Mybmp.bmp


Specifies a configuration file (including path if necessary) other than the default (Config.fpw). Create the configuration file using any text editor.

For details about configuring the Visual FoxPro environment, see Chapter 3, Configuring Visual FoxPro, in the Installation Guide.

For example, to start Visual FoxPro with a custom configuration file, you would alter the command to something like this:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual ;
Studio\Vfp98\Vfp6.exe -CMYConfig.fpw


Specifies a runtime .DLL file (including path if necessary) other than the default. Using this switch allows you to try different versions of the runtime DLL, for example, different releases.

For more information, see “Including a Run-Time Library” in Chapter 27, Extending Visual FoxPro with External Libraries, in the Programmer's Guide.


Specifies a resource file (including path if necessary) other than the default. Using this switch allows you to use Visual FoxPro in a language other than the current language specified by the system.


Refreshes the Windows registry with information about Visual FoxPro, such as associations for Visual FoxPro files. Using this switch is similar to double-clicking a .REG file. The -R switch does not update the registry with settings from the Options dialog.

-T or /nologo

Suppresses the display of the Visual FoxPro sign-on screen (banner).

To start Visual FoxPro without a sign-on screen, use these commands:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Vfp98\Vfp6.exe –T
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Vfp98\Vfp6.exe /nologo