SYS(2019) - Configuration File Name and Location

See Also

Returns the name and location of the Visual FoxPro configuration file.






The Visual FoxPro configuration file is named Config.fpw, and it isn't installed by default. You can create your own Config.fpw configuration file with MODIFY FILE.

If a configuration file can't be located, SYS(2019) returns an empty string.

The Visual FoxPro configuration file is typically located in the directory where Visual FoxPro is started, but can be located elsewhere. Visual FoxPro first looks for it in the startup directory. If the configuration file isn't located in the startup directory, the MS-DOS path is then searched. Two options let you tell Visual FoxPro where your configuration file is located and its name:

For further information about the Visual FoxPro configuration file, see Chapter 3, Configuring Visual FoxPro, in the Installation Guide.