Standard Toolbar

See Also

The Standard toolbar contains buttons for performing the most common actions in Visual FoxPro. This toolbar is displayed by default. For information about displaying and manipulating toolbars, see "Using Toolbars" in Chapter 1, Getting Started, in the User's Guide.

This toolbar contains the following buttons.

Button Description
New Creates new files using designers and wizards.
Open Opens an existing file or creates a new file.
Save Saves changes to the active file. For more information, see File Menu.
Print Prints a text file, report, label, or the contents of the Command window or Clipboard.
Print Preview Shows you the results of your work without printing it. For more information, see File Menu.
Spelling Checks spelling. Available when editing text or memo field.
Cut Removes selected text, controls, or anything else that is selectable, to the Clipboard.  For details, see Edit Menu.
Copy Duplicates selected text, controls, or anything else that is selectable. For details, see Edit Menu.
Paste Places cut or copied text, controls, or anything else that is selectable at the insertion point position. For details, see Edit Menu.
Undo Reverses the most recent action. For details, see Edit Menu.
Redo Reverses the most recent Undo command. For details, see Edit Menu.
Run Executes the Run Query, Run Form, Do <Program>, or Run Report, commands.
Database Specifies the current database.
Command Window Shows commands as they are executed, and provides space for typing commands.
Data Session Window Provides an easy way to open tables, establish relations, and set work area properties.
Form Wizard Runs a Visual FoxPro form wizard. These include the Form Wizard and One-To-Many Form Wizard.
Report Wizard Runs a Visual FoxPro report wizard. These include the Report Wizard and One-To-Many Report Wizard.
AutoForm Wizard Creates a form without using a wizard.
AutoReport Wizard Creates a report without using a wizard.
Help Displays online Help.