View Designer Toolbar

See Also

The View Designer toolbar is displayed when the View Designer is open. For information about displaying and manipulating toolbars, see "Using Toolbars" in Chapter 1, Getting Started, in the User's Guide.

This toolbar contains the following buttons.

Button Description
Add Table Displays the Add Table Or View dialog box so you can add a table or view to the designer window.
Remove Table Removes the selected table from the top pane of the designer window. For details, see Query Menu.
Add Join Creates a join condition between two tables in the view.
View SQL Displays the SQL statement your view is building. For details, see Query Menu.
Maximize/Restore Top Pane Enlarges or reduces the top pane of the View Designer.

For more information, see "Using Toolbars" in Chapter 1, Getting Started, in the User's Guide, and "Creating a Remote View," and "Creating a Local View" in Chapter 9, Creating Forms, in the Programmer's Guide.