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HRESULT get_outerHTML(
    BSTR *p

Retrieves the current element object and its content in HTML.

Address of a string variable that receives the current element object, including its start and end tags, and the element's content in HTML. It can be any valid string containing any combination of text and HTML tags.

You cannot set this property while the document is loading. Wait for the onload event before attempting to set it.

See also put_outerHTML

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HRESULT put_outerHTML(
    BSTR v

Replaces the current element object and its content with the given HTML.

String specifying the replacement HTML. It can be any valid string containing any combination of text and HTML tags.

When setting this property, the given string completely replaces the current element, including its start and end tags. If the string contains HTML tags, the string is parsed and formatted as it is placed into the document.

You cannot set this property while the document is loading. Wait for the onload event before attempting to set it.

See also get_outerHTML

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