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HRESULT get_updateInterval(
    long *p 

Retrieves the update interval for the screen. The interval causes invalidations to the window to be buffered and then drawn in the given millisecond intervals. The purpose is to limit excessive invalidations that reduce the overall painting performance, which can happen if there is an overabundance of flipbook-style animations occurring at once.

Address of a variable that receives the number of milliseconds between updates to the screen. This parameter receives zero (0) if the update interval is disabled.

See also put_updateInterval

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HRESULT put_updateInterval(
    long v 

Sets the update interval for the screen. The interval causes invalidation's to the window to be buffered and then drawn in the given millisecond intervals. The purpose is to limit excessive invalidation's that reduce the overall painting performance, which can happen if there is an overabundance of flipbook-style animation's occurring at once.

Value specifying the number of milliseconds between updates to the screen. A value of zero disables the update interval.

Use this property judiciously—a value too small or too large will adversely affect the page rendering response.

See also get_updateInterval

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