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Class UITabList

public class UITabList extends UISelector
  // Constructors
  public UITabList();

  // Methods
  public IUIComponent add(String s);
  public IUIComponent add(String s, int pos);
  public IUIComponent add(IUIComponent comp);
  public IUIComponent add(IUIComponent comp, int pos);
  public IUIComponent getFloater();
  public int getRoleCode();
  public void layout();
  public void paint(FxGraphics g);
  public IUIComponent passFocus(int dir);
  public void setSelectedItem(IUIComponent comp, boolean notify);

This class manages a collection of tabs. Each tab in the collection is a UITab object. UITabList uses UITabListLayout for its layout manager, and allows only one tab in the collection to be selected at a time.

Note UITabList only manages a set of tabs, not any associated pages. Typically, you'll use UITabViewer rather than using UITabList directly. UITabViewer uses UITabList internally to manage a collection of tabs and their associated pages.

A UITabList object is empty when it is first created. The add method allows you to insert tabs into the tab list control. This is shown in the following example.

// Construct a tab list control.
UITabList tl = new UITabList();

// Add two tabs to tl.
tl.add("tab 1");
tl.add("tab 2");

// Now add tl to the container.

Note When you call add with a String, the tab is automatically hot-tracked. To override this default, call add with a UIText object, as shown in the following example.

// Add a tab that displays a String. 
// By default, the tab is hot-tracked.

// Add a tab that is not hot-tracked, using UIText. 
tl.add(new UIText("not hot"));

// To create a hot-tracked tab using UIText,
// specify the UIStatic.HOTTRACK style. 
tl.add(new UIText("hot UIText", UIStatic.HOTTRACK));

For more information about hot-tracking, see the UIText overview.

Note The hot-track color is the same color as the button text color. As a result, hot-tracking does not appear to be functional.




public UITabList();

Creates an empty tab list control.


Call the add method to add tabs to the list.



public IUIComponent add(String s);

Adds a tab containing the specified text to the end of the tab list control.

Return Value:

Returns the tab component that was added.

s The text to be displayed on the tab.


By default, the tab is hot-tracked. To add a tab that is not hot-tracked, pass a UIText object instead of a String. For more information about hot-tracking, see the UITabList overview.

To remove a tab from the tab list control, call the remove method (inherited through UISelector).


public IUIComponent add(String s, int pos);

Adds a tab containing the specified text to the tab list control. The tab is added at the specified position.

Return Value:

Returns the tab component that was added.

s The text to be displayed on the tab.
pos The zero-based index at which to add the tab. To add the tab at the end of the control, pass -1.


By default, the tab is hot-tracked. To add a tab that is not hot-tracked, pass a UIText object instead of a String. For more information about hot-tracking, see the UITabList overview.

To remove a tab from the tab list control, call the remove method (inherited through UISelector).


public IUIComponent add(IUIComponent comp);

Adds a tab containing the specified component to the end of the tab list control.

Return Value:

Returns the tab component that was added.

comp The component to be displayed on the tab. If comp is already a UITab object, this tab is added. Otherwise, a new UITab object that displays comp is added.


Typically, you'll pass a UIText, UIGraphic, or UIItem object for the component. To remove a tab from the tab list control, call the remove method (inherited through UISelector).


public IUIComponent add(IUIComponent comp, int pos);

Adds a tab containing the specified component to the tab list control. The tab is added at the specified position.

Return Value:

Returns the tab component that was added.

comp The component to be displayed on the tab. If comp is already a UITab object, this tab is added. Otherwise, a new UITab object that displays comp is added.
pos The zero-based index at which to add the tab. To add the tab at the end of the control, pass -1.


Typically, you'll pass a UIText, UIGraphic, or UIItem object for the component. To remove a tab from the tab list control, call the remove method (inherited through UISelector).


public IUIComponent getFloater();

This method simply returns the floating component in this container, if there is one. The floating component is the component which is superceding the standard z-order of the container's children by being first in the z-order. This is most commonly used when a component is being dragged, such as a column header or a scroll thumb.

Return Value:

Returns the current floating component; returns null if there is none.


public int getRoleCode();

Returns the Microsoft® Active Accessibility™ role code for the tab list object.

Return Value:

Returns the ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETABLIST role code.


public void layout();

Lays out the components in the associated root container.

Return Value:

No return value.


public void paint(FxGraphics g);

Draws the tab list control.

Return Value:

No return value.

g The graphics context.


public IUIComponent passFocus(int dir);

Retrieves the component that should receive input focus when navigating to the container in the specified direction.

Return Value:

Returns the component, or the container itself, that should receive input focus.

dir The navigation direction. Specify one of the NAVDIR values defined in the IUIAccessible interface.


This method implements passFocus in the IUIContainer interface.


public void setSelectedItem(IUIComponent comp, boolean notify);

Sets the control's currently selected item.

Return Value:

No return value.

comp The component to be selected.
notify If true, a list select event will be generated; otherwise, a list select event will not be generated.


setSelectedItem(IUIComponent,boolean) in UISelector.

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