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Class DirectDrawClipper

public class DirectDrawClipper implements IDirectDrawClipper
  // Methods
  public void getClipList(Rect rec, int [] rects, int count,
        Rect boundingrect);
  public int getClipListSize(Rect rec);
  public int getHWnd();
  public void initialize(DirectDraw dd, int flags);
  public int isClipListChanged();
  public void setClipList(Rect rec, int [] rects, int count);
  public void setComponent(Component c);
  public void setHWnd(int flags, int hdl);
  public void setOffset(int x, int y);
  public void setSurfaceOffset(Point point);
  public void setSurfaceVisRgn(Region visRgn);

Applications use the methods of the DirectDrawClipper class to manage clip lists.



public void getClipList(Rect rec, int [] rects, int count,
        Rect boundingrect);

Retrieves a copy of the clip list associated with a DirectDrawClipper object. A subset of the clip list can be selected by passing a rectangle that clips the clip list.

Return Value:

No return value.

rec A Rect object that is used to clip the clip list.
rects An int array containing a list of rectangle dimensions.
count The number of rectangles in the array.
boundingrect The bounding rectangle.

See Also: setClipList


public int getClipListSize(Rect rec);

Retrieves the size of the portion of the clip list contained with the given rectangle.

Return Value:

Returns the clip list size.

rec A Rect object that is used to clip the clip list.


public int getHWnd();

Retrieves the window handle previously associated with this DirectDrawClipper object by the setHWnd method.

Return Value:

Returns The window handle.

See Also: setHWnd


public void initialize(DirectDraw dd, int flags);

Initializes a DirectDrawClipper object.

Return Value:

No return value.

dd The DirectDraw object. If this parameter is set to null, an independent DirectDrawClipper object is created.
flags Reserved; the value must be 0.

See Also:


public int isClipListChanged();

Monitors the status of the clip list if a window handle is associated with a DirectDrawClipper object.

Return Value:

Returns true if the clip list has changed.


public void setClipList(Rect rec, int [] rects, int count);

Sets or deletes the clip list used by the blt and updateOverlay methods on surfaces that the parent DirectDrawClipper object is attached to.

Return Value:

No return value.

rec A Rect object that is used to clip the clip list.
rects An int array containing a list of rectangle dimensions.
count The number of rectangles in the list.


The clip list cannot be set if a window handle is already associated with the DirectDrawClipper object. Note that the bltFast method cannot clip.

See Also: getClipList


public void setComponent(Component c);

Associates the surface object with a top-level Java component.

Return Value:

No return value.

c The component to link the DirectDrawClipper object to.


public void setHWnd(int flags, int hdl);

Sets the window handle that will obtain the clipping information.

Return Value:

No return value.

flags Reserved; the value must be 0.
hdl The window handle that obtains the clipping information.

See Also: getHWnd


public void setOffset(int x, int y);

Calls to native code to translate a surface to new coordinates.

Return Value:

No return value.

x The new x coordinate to offset the surface to.
y The new y coordinate to offset the surface to.


public void setSurfaceOffset(Point point);

Translates a surface to new coordinates.

Return Value:

No return value.

point The new point to offset the surface to.


public void setSurfaceVisRgn(Region visRgn);

Sets a visible region for the surface.

Return Value:

No return value.

visRgn The region to set for the surface.

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