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Interface IAccessibleDefault

public interface IAccessibleDefault extends IAccessible
  // Fields
  public static final _Guid iid;

  // Methods
  public void accDoDefaultAction(Variant varChild);
  public Variant accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop);
  public void accLocation(int[] pxLeft, int[] pyTop,
        int[] pcxWidth, int[] pcyHeight, Variant varChild);
  public Variant accNavigate(int navDir, Variant varStart);
  public void accSelect(int flagsSelect, Variant varChild);
  public Object getAccChild(Variant varChild);
  public int getAccChildCount();
  public String getAccDefaultAction(Variant varChild);
  public String getAccDescription(Variant varChild);
  public Variant getAccFocus();
  public String getAccHelp(Variant varChild);
  public int getAccHelpTopic(String[] pszHelpFile,
        Variant varChild);
  public String getAccKeyboardShortcut(Variant varChild);
  public String getAccName(Variant varChild);
  public Object getAccParent();
  public Variant getAccRole(Variant varChild);
  public Variant getAccSelection();
  public Variant getAccState(Variant varChild);
  public String getAccValue(Variant varChild);
  public void setAccName(Variant varChild, String pszName);
  public void setAccValue(Variant varChild, String pszValue);

This interface provides methods that enable users to request selection and focus information, perform hit tests, and navigate by using object and child identifiers. IAccessibleDefault extends the IAccessible interface.

In the following methods, the Variant object varChild identifies a child of the IAccessible object or indicates the object itself. This value of this parameter can be the child ID value (provided by the object), CHILDID_SELF for the object itself, or a string identifying the child (such as "A1").

If a container object does not support the IEnumVariant interface, its child ID numbers must be sequential positive integers starting with 1. If the object supports IEnumVariant, it can use any method to assign its child ID numbers.




public void accDoDefaultAction(Variant varChild);

Performs the object's default action.

Return Value:

No return value.

varChild A value that identifies the child object whose default action is performed.


accDoDefaultAction(Variant) in IAccessible.


public Variant accHitTest(int xLeft, int yTop);

Retrieves the child object at a specified location on the screen. That is, a point on the screen is tested to see if there is a child object (a hit) located at that point.

Return Value:

Returns a Variant object that describes the child object located at the specified coordinates.

xLeft The x coordinate of the point on the screen that is hit-tested.
yTop The y coordinate of the point on the screen that is hit-tested


accHitTest(int,int) in IAccessible.


public void accLocation(int[] pxLeft, int[] pyTop, int[] pcxWidth,
        int[] pcyHeight, Variant varChild);

Retrieves the screen location of an accessibility object. The varChild parameter indicates whether this method will retrieve the coordinates of the container itself or of one of its children.

Return Value:

No return value.

pxLeft The retrieved x coordinate of the object's screen location.
pyTop The retrieved y coordinate of the object's screen location.
pcxWidth The object's retrieved width, measured in pixels.
pcyHeight The object's retrieved height, measured in pixels.
varChild A value that identifies the child object whose location is retrieved.


accLocation(int[],int[],int[],int[],Variant) in IAccessible.


public Variant accNavigate(int navDir, Variant varStart);

Retrieves the sibling or child object that is navigated to in a specified direction.

Return Value:

Returns a Variant object that contains information about the object that is navigated to.

navDir The navigation code that specifies the navigation direction.
varStart The Variant object that specifies the type of navigation needed. If the variant type is VT_EMPTY, the method retrieves a sibling object. If the variant type is VT_I4 and the value is CHILDID_SELF, the method retrieves a child object.


accNavigate(int,Variant) in IAccessible.


public void accSelect(int flagsSelect, Variant varChild);

Changes focus and modifies selection according to specified flags.

Return Value:

No return value.

flagsSelect The selection flags, which indicate how to change the focus and selection. They must be set to some combination of the following: SELFLAG_NONE, SELFLAG_TAKEFOCUS, SELFLAG_TAKESELECTION, SELFLAG_EXTENDSELECTION, SELFLAG_ADDSELECTION, and SELFLAG_REMOVESELECTION.
varChild A value that identifies the child object that is selected.


accSelect(int,Variant) in IAccessible.


public Object getAccChild(Variant varChild);

Retrieves a specified child object.

Return Value:

Returns the requested child object.

varChild A Variant object that identifies the child to retrieve.


getAccChild(Variant) in IAccessible.


public int getAccChildCount();

Retrieves the number of components in the parent container.

Return Value:

Returns the number of components in the parent container.


getAccChildCount() in IAccessible.


public String getAccDefaultAction(Variant varChild);

Retrieves the default action for a specified child object.

Return Value:

Returns a string that describes the default action of the child object.

varChild A value that identifies the child object that the default action is requested for.


getAccDefaultAction(Variant) in IAccessible.


public String getAccDescription(Variant varChild);

Retrieves a description of the child object.

Return Value:

Returns a description of the child object.

varChild The value that identifies the child whose description is retrieved.


getAccDescription(Variant) in IAccessible.


public Variant getAccFocus();

Retrieves the child object that currently has the keyboard focus. If the object itself has the keyboard focus, this method returns zero as a VT_14 type. If a child has the focus but isn't an accessible object, it returns the child ID as a VT_14 type. If a child has the focus and is an accessible object, this method returns its IDispatch interface.

Return Value:

Returns the Variant object that contains information about the retrieved child object.


getAccFocus() in IAccessible.


public String getAccHelp(Variant varChild);

Provides Help text associated with the object.

Return Value:

Returns a string that describes the object's function.

varChild A value that identifies the child object that the Help text is requested for.


getAccHelp(Variant) in IAccessible.


public int getAccHelpTopic(String[] pszHelpFile, Variant varChild);

Retrieves the full path of the Help file associated with the object, as well as a value that identifies the Help file topic. This method is not implemented at this time.

Return Value:

Returns a value that identifies the object's Help topic.

pszHelpFile The retrieved Help file path for the object.
varChild A value that identifies the child object that the Help topic is requested for.


getAccHelpTopic(String[],Variant) in IAccessible.


public String getAccKeyboardShortcut(Variant varChild);

Retrieves the keyboard shortcut that selects the object.

Return Value:

Returns a string that describes a sequence of keystrokes for selecting the object.

varChild A value that identifies the child object that the keyboard shortcut is requested for.


getAccKeyboardShortcut(Variant) in IAccessible.

Exceptions: if the specified object is not valid.


public String getAccName(Variant varChild);

Retrieves the name property of the child object.

Return Value:

Returns the name of the child object.

varChild The value that identifies the child whose name is retrieved.


getAccName(Variant) in IAccessible.


public Object getAccParent();

Retrieves the parent object (the container) of the child object.

Return Value:

Returns the parent of the object.


getAccParent() in IAccessible.


public Variant getAccRole(Variant varChild);

Retrieves the role property of a specified child object.

Return Value:

Returns a Variant object that contains a role constant or a string that describes the object's role.

varChild The value that identifies the child object whose role is requested.


getAccRole(Variant) in IAccessible.


public Variant getAccSelection();

Retrieves the selected children of the object.

Return Value:

Returns a Variant object that identifies the object or objects that are selected.


getAccSelection() in IAccessible.


public Variant getAccState(Variant varChild);

Retrieves the current state code of the object.

Return Value:

Returns a Variant that describes the state of the object, either a string or a value equal to one or more of the object state constants.

varChild The value that identifies the child object that the state code is requested for.


getAccState(Variant) in IAccessible.


public String getAccValue(Variant varChild);

Retrieves the value property of the child object.

Return Value:

Returns the value of the child object.

varChild The Variant object that identifies the child whose value is retrieved.


getAccValue(Variant) in IAccessible.


public void setAccName(Variant varChild, String pszName);

Sets the name of a child object.

Return Value:

No return value.

varChild A value that identifies the child object whose name is set by this method.
pszName The child object's new name.


setAccName(Variant,String) in IAccessible.


public void setAccValue(Variant varChild, String pszValue);

Sets the value of a child object.

Return Value:

No return value.

varChild The Variant object that identifies the child whose value is set by this method.
pszValue The new value.


setAccValue(Variant,String) in IAccessible.


The interface identifier.

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