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Interface IIntRangeComparator

public interface IIntRangeComparator
  // Fields
  static final int ORDER_AFTER;
  static final int ORDER_BEFORE;
  static final int ORDER_EQUAL;

  // Methods
  int compareRanges (IntRanges ranges1, int i1, IntRanges ranges2,
        int i2);
  void intersectRanges (IntRanges ranges1, int i1,
        IntRanges ranges2, int i2, int isectexprnum);
  boolean mergeRanges (IntRanges ranges, int i1, int i2);
  int orderRanges (IntRanges ranges, int i1, int i2);
  void shiftRanges (IntRanges ranges, int start, int count,
        int shiftcount);
  void splitRange (IntRanges ranges, int i);
  void swapRanges (IntRanges ranges, int i1, int i2);

This interface supplies a hook for sorting auxiliary data associated with elements of an IntRanges object. The hook is used to help compare equal ranges during a condensing operation, while sorting and merging ranges.



int compareRanges (IntRanges ranges1, int i1, IntRanges ranges2, int i2);

Compares ranges. This method is called by

Return Value:

Returns one of the following values:

The sets of integers are not equal but have a common set of integers.
The sets of integers have no integers in common.
The second set of integers includes all of the integers in the first set, plus some integers that are not in the first set.
The sets of integers are identical.
The first set of integers includes all of the integers in the second set, plus some integers that are not in the second set.

ranges1 The first set of ranges to compare.
i1 The index in ranges1 of the first range to compare.
ranges2 The second set of ranges to compare.
i2 The index in ranges2 of the second range to compare.


void intersectRanges (IntRanges ranges1, int i1, IntRanges ranges2, int i2,
        int isectexprnum);

Called by IntRanges.intersect to intersect any extra data associated with two ranges.

Return Value:

No return value.

ranges1 The first set of ranges to intersect.
i1 The index into the first set of ranges.
ranges2 The second set of ranges to intersect.
i2 The index into the second set of ranges.
isectexprnum The intersection expression.


boolean mergeRanges (IntRanges ranges, int i1, int i2);

Determines if two overlapping ranges can be merged into a single range. This method is called by IntRanges.condense. If the ranges can be merged, they should be merged into the range and true should be returned.

Return Value:

Returns true if the ranges can be merged; otherwise, returns false.

ranges The IntRanges object to merge into.
i1 The index of first range to merge.
i2 The index of second range to merge into the first range.


int orderRanges (IntRanges ranges, int i1, int i2);

Compares equal ranges. This method is called by IntRanges.sort.

Return Value:

Returns an integer indicating how to interpret two equal ranges. This can be on of the following values:

i1 should be placed before i2.
i1 and i2 are equal.
i1 should be placed after i2.

ranges The set of integer ranges to order.
i1 The index of first range.
i2 The index of second range.


void shiftRanges (IntRanges ranges, int start, int count, int shiftcount);

Moves the ranges backward.

Return Value:

No return value.

ranges The IntRanges object containing the ranges to shift.
start The starting index of the ranges to move.
count The number of ranges to move.
shiftcount The number of ranges to shift backward; if -1, the ranges should be discarded.


void splitRange (IntRanges ranges, int i);

Splits a range. This method is called by IntRanges.removeRanges when a range needs to be split to remove elements in the middle of a range. During removal, this will be called, at most, one time.

Return Value:

No return value.

ranges The range to be split.
i The index at which to split.


void swapRanges (IntRanges ranges, int i1, int i2);

Swaps ranges. This method is called by IntRanges.sort.

Return Value:

No return value.

ranges The IntRanges object in which to swap.
i1 The index of the first range to swap.
i2 The index of the second range to swap.


Returned by orderRanges to indicate that the one set of ranges is to be ordered after another set of ranges.
Returned by orderRanges to indicate that the one set of ranges is to be ordered before another set of ranges.
Returned by orderRanges to indicate that the one set of ranges is equal to another set of ranges.

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