The Microsoft SDK for Java version 3.0 pre-release 2 provides tools, information, and samples to help you develop Java programs and applets based on JDK 1.1 and the Microsoft virtual machine (Microsoft VM), which is included in this SDK. You'll also find the Microsoft Application Foundation Classes (AFC) for Java, many other packages and samples, and up-to-date reference and overview information on class libraries and application programming interfaces (APIs).
The Microsoft SDK for Java version 3.0 pre-release 2 is not redistributable; see the End-User License Agreement in this SDK. The Microsoft AFC however, is redistributable. For details, go to the list of redistributable files.
All previous versions of the Microsoft SDK for Java, although they are still available for viewing and download, are replaced by this SDK.
For important, late-breaking information, see the Readme before continuing.
To download this version of the Microsoft SDK for Java, go to Previous versions are also available at this URL.
Describes the Java tools included in this SDK. A quick reference table provides the command-line syntax for each tool, and several articles describe how and when to use many of these tools.
Describes APIs that give programs direct access to features of the Microsoft virtual machine, such as the Just-In-Time compiler. This information can help tool vendors develop tools for Java.
Provides a link to the Windows Foundation Classes (WFC), which gives developers an extensive set of class libraries to build full-featured, native Microsoft® Windows® applications in Java.
Explains how to use the Microsoft Application Foundation Classes (AFC) for Java in your Java applets and applications, and provides links to the AFC reference documentation.
Provides an overview of the various ways that the Microsoft virtual machine enables code written in Java to work with code written for the Microsoft® Win32® platform.
Explains how to take advantage of the Microsoft internationalization support provided for Java applications.
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